The Full Moon in Scorpio on May 7, 2020 (at 6:46EST) is a cosmic egg.
Ovum Mysterium
The ‘world egg’ is a creation story found in a multitude of cultures. It is a golden womb, the source of the universe, containing a map of the future. The universe cycles between expansion and collapse.
“We are now poised on the brink of a transition between ages. We watch as the fiery cosmic egg begins to crack, and the spirit-bird of a ‘new heaven and a new earth’ arises.”
The Greek Orphic Egg is depicted as spiral-wrapped by a coiled serpent. The serpent is fertility, death, resurrection, and kundalini life force - its streams of life-giving light stored at the base of each human’s spine.
Hildegard van Bingen compared God to the cosmic egg, emptying and filling itself like a womb. A sacred feminine. An undying love as the essence of the universe - creative, beneficial, and nurturing to all life within. A shining light of fiery power, “stirring everything into existence, and causing all of life to glisten…”*
Fire takes many forms. Living in the time of the fires means this kind of inner burning, too. Yes, destruction. And central illumination. Total rebirth.
Have we forgotten who we truly are? We are simmering now in the awakening cauldron of remembrance. Retrieval. Surrounded by gods. Surrounded by death. A complex macrocosmic composite oneness.
This Moon is for digesting darkness.
It is completely dark inside these robin’s eggs. Pitch black.
We won’t escape the shadows. Darkness won’t leave us alone. It cannot. It is woven into our fabric. Its tendrils pull at our roots, hint at our DNA, reveal storehouses and “strongholds of secrets, hidden purposes, and inward streams to prevail.” (Ellias Lonsdale, Inside Degrees)
What is there to do about darkness? Awareness.
Be with it. Sense into it. Open your ears.
Sharpen your instincts.
We are animals. We are humans. We have a physiological mammalian blueprint. We are hardwired for interdependence and coregulation. We have kinesthetic, somatic knowing.
Trust what your body knows. Trust what you pine for.
Many have been tricked and wounded into mistrusting ourselves and our bodies. Made compromised and dependent upon external powers that usurp our own. Forces have exploited our wilds and propagated separation.
There was a virus before this one. There will be more after.
Wetiko is the virus.
“Tragically, the history of the world for the past 2,000 years is, in great part, the story of the epidemiology of the wetiko disease.”
“Wetiko is an Algonquin word for a cannibalistic spirit that is driven by greed, excess, and selfish consumption (in Ojibwa it is windigo, wintiko in Powhatan). It deludes its host into believing that cannibalizing the life-force of others (others in the broad sense, including animals and other forms of Gaian life) is a logical and morally upright way to live.”
Fascism is a spiky ghost that has become internalized.
These diseases proliferate from unprocessed trauma, shock, and the residue from the manipulation of our survival mechanisms.
Digest the darkness.
Inquire within.
Close your eyes to see your enmeshments, your entanglements, your ensnarements, and where you are bonded.
Clean your pipes. Question the places in you that feel blocked or heightened or swampy. Ask which ghosts live here. Trace your ancestral acquisitions. Settle your debts. Complete your ancient vows. Allow for decay. Honor the death processes necessary now.
Darkness is gold. Death is holy.
This is root work.
Our very substrate, everything we eat and make our lives out of, is composed of death and decay.
Fertile, thriving soils are born of our eliminations.
Fully digest life and feed the compost to the Earth. She’ll make it glisten and bloom in trans-forms of limitless supply.
There have been many prophecies of this time. Hopi prophecy described the end of the fourth world as a crossroads. That the time would come for return to the true path - or going the zig-zag way.
“The ‘zig-zag way’ refers to a line found on Prophecy Rock, a panel of ancestral Hopi petroglyphs (rock carvings) in northern Arizona. The zig-zag is the upper of two parallel lines. It supposedly represents the path of the Two-Hearts, who are wreaking havoc on our Earth Mother and living contrary to ecological principles and the laws of Nature. The lower line, on the other hand, is the path of the One-Hearts, who are close to soil and the growth of corn, beans, squash—that is, adhering to the true Hopi way. The upper path is divorced from the natural world and totally immersed in the synthetic, manufactured reality... In essence, it is a lifestyle that the Hopi call koyaanisqatsi, which means ‘world out of balance,’ or ‘life of moral corruption and turmoil (regarding a group).’ The lower way, rooted in earth-based rhythms, finds solace and spiritual sustenance from corn pollen, sunlight, soaking rains, and vast desert vistas—a life in accordance with the Creator or the Great Spirit.”
Circling back to the primordial egg. To Carl Jung, the egg is “a germ of life” - the vessel that holds the potential of the liberated soul.
From the egg could spring a free human perfected by the process of inner alchemy and spiritual transformation.
Or a homunculus - a human replica comprised of artificial intelligence.
Beyond this gestation, will we birth artifice or honesty? It all depends on what kind of alchemy we are engaged in.
To paraphrase Terence McKenna, the truth doesn’t need your cooperation to exist. Bullshit does.
Seeds of truth and delusion are placed around us in abundance and intermingling. Nothing is purely hygienic in this world. Indeed, that’s the beauty of it.
The path forward does not ask us to be ‘right’ or ‘good’ or ‘know what’s going on.’ It asks us to listen closely, perceive the whole, and trust our own bullshit filter.
Track the many streams, their sources, their intents and interactions, and find the trail you are pulled to go down next. @trackermedicine
oomancy moon. uncrossing moon. moon of a poison arrow. mammalian moon. ovum mysterium moon. moon of myopic violence. xray moon. suss trueness moon. moon of voices on the wind. tracking moon. robin mama moon. stronghold of secrets moon. multiple realities moon. moon of silver and powders. great endowment moon. microorganisms moon. moon of many channels. adjacent timelines moon. moon of eggs and roses. moon to state your allegiances.
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Learn about the 12 zodiac archetypes through embodying them. Includes twelve 20-30 minute video movement rituals (one for each sign) and robust 105 page workbook to explore your personal healing connection to the archetypes.
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Scorpio.
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Read Full Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below
Aries: I embrace the unknown.
The egg of life floats suspended in a vast sea of mysteriousness. In order to be reborn, I move beyond the trappings of my own entrenched beliefs. I check the dusty corners of my own mind. I become curious to learn more about the world through the eyes of others. No conversation is below me. I dialogue with the unseen and unreal. When I open my mind, I realize more about my blindspots. Everyone has a shadow, and this moon grants me the opportunity to become more intimate with mine. Where do I hold on unnecessarily? What keeps my energy tied? What have I inherited that wants to be worked out fully and put to rest? I welcome transformation - it’s my birthright.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Taurus: I savor connectedness.
Something about all this weirdness is setting me free. These times are showing me the treasure in my stores. I am unburdened of the heaviness of shame. I viscerally feel the pollen-laded permeations of abundance surrounding me. I savor the tantalizing assets available in the natural world. Worthiness is written in the cells of my body. I am enriched. As I come more into my own truth, my relationships reflect me by blossoming. New ways of connecting to friends, partners, and community members seek me out and show me where to invest my energies. We were born to shape life together.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Gemini: I serve the spirit of well being.
I clearly name what I live in service to. What does well being mean, in action? If I could organize life in the terms of well being, what shapes would my time take? Healing is a balance of pulling away from the mundane to recharge and hear spirit - and also showing up in service to others. This Moon invites me to sense where I need to balance these poles and become more clear with my time and energy. This Moon illuminates the ways I feel weak, unwell, and victimized - and simultaneously reminds me that those are the places where I am primed for improvement. Practice and rhythm lead to perfection over time. I am reminded that life is an organic process of healing - not something that can be controlled or forced - and I give myself permission to worship at the altar of mending time.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Cancer: I admire my creations.
Scorpio energy is stirring. In-and-of itself, Scorpio energy is not threatening. It is because of societal conditioning that Scorpio as an archetype has been maligned. The trouble with Scorpio is many people in the current world have not been socialized to welcome the depths and intensities of instinctive, powerful knowing that Scorpio represents. But I am a master of feeling, and I respond intuitively to life. I recognize that when I feel the extremes of rage, or love, or fear, or anxiety, I can make something out of it. So I do. I create. I have spent the last 1.5 years creating a different version of myself - one that is more self-supported. Now the fruit is on the vine. I step back and admire my work. This honoring helps me to close a chapter I have lived well and thoroughly, with dignity.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Leo: I root down to extend my reach.
This Moon is a silvery, milky spotlight on possible alliances and collaborations in my life. I am feeling conspiratorial, and wish to infuse my contacts with joy. These times require discernment on who I connect with - and also encourage an abundant sense of possibility as I make assessments on who I may tie more deeply to. I choose to make contact with others who will help to anchor and uplift my contribution to the world. Meanwhile, this Moon motivates me to clean up and clear out my foundation. Making home a fresh and comfortable place to be is what allows me to reach out into the world from a place of inner security.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Virgo: I communicate my vision.
This Moon reminds me of the small steps that are needed to fulfill my long term life direction. I give myself some time to hone my vision. What am I here to do? How am I made to contribute? What do I have yet to learn in order to make this a reality? What are my innate skills that will serve me well, and which tools do I still need to gather? This Moon comes with a feeling that it is time to focus my mind and my pursuits. To identify who I want to be connecting and working with on a local scale. It also shows me where I have yet to learn and grow in regards to communication. I share myself as clearly as possible, while also leaving ample space to listen to the perspectives and realities that others hold.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Libra: I appraise my assets.
This Full Moon falls in my house of resources and finances. The way I attract resources is undergoing transformation. This has to do with healing trauma. I shine the light on what’s happening here. I sit with myself and the patterns of giving and receiving that have preceded me in my lineage. I look at the ways society has influenced my interpretations of worthiness, of exchange, and of sharing. I tune into the frequency of what it would feel like to be in right relationship with myself, others, and prosperity. My spirit wants to expand. I am orienting my compass in the direction of growth and unexplored regions. I accept projects unlike what I’ve been involved in before. I am taking the trail that leads me towards my spiritual mission.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Scorpio: I bond with myself and my mates.
Sweetness and terror seem like strange, yet frequent companions. This Full Moon brings the thrill of revealing a hidden layer of myself to another. Something I’ve perhaps shielded or guarded or simply neglected to fully know inside myself edges into our exchange. This invisible element inside me begs to be swallowed up in the presence of transfixed attention. I am opening deeper to love. There’s an alchemy in showing up raw and being held that allows me to unfurl more unto my own psyche. Part of me quivers in anticipation of the unknown. Part of me totally relaxes and surrenders to sensation. This Moon is wet and raw and uncomfortable and gracious for me and my relations. I let it in.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Sagittarius: I welcome healing.
There are many things I do not know. There are things I will never be right about. There are beliefs I have held that have turned out to be untrue. To all of this, I say “thank you.” To everyone who clings to knowing or believing or rightness, I say “thank you.” To everyone who feels swallowed by the messy confusion of how reality and fantasy collide, I say “thank you.” This Moon is a healing time. Sometimes, all healing asks of me is forgiveness. Release. Letting go. Surrender. Dissolving. This is one of those transitions. I disband, disperse, and let my waves break so I can come into relationships with life that are rooted in true presence and the spirit of service. I wash the dust from my feet and rest.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Capricorn: I anchor essential connections.
Who is around me, and what purpose do they serve? Not in a transactional way - in a relational, generative, co-creative way. This Full Moon shines a light on groups, communities, and collaborations in my life. What is working here? The people and technologies I engage with now and for the next two weeks are indicative of what I have been striving to create. I take full view - do I want to continue creating in the same manner as I have been? Or is it time to scale back, shift my attention, and begin something more efficient, effective, or useful? I feel the urge to harvest. Simplify. Clear clutter and debris. The times have changed, and I welcome a reorganization of my time, energy, and habits. I notice what feels essential.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Aquarius: Living into my purpose brings me utmost joy.
This Moon holds a strong reminder on what I am here on Earth to contribute. It shines lights on ways I can lead. If ever I wonder what my place in the world is, I remember to follow what brings me joy. I remember to look for the spark of inner light and life that is always inside me, and tend to it so it grows. I feel a revival coming on. No longer business-as-usual means I can be more of a free agent and enjoy the fruits of my own creative autonomy. What art wants to emerge from me? My home is an earthy, sensual place that acts as a launching pad for my work in the world. I celebrate everything that asks to be celebrated now!
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Pisces: I am expansive in my body wisdom.
I fill myself up and pour myself out. I am drunk off the transcendental, poetic, musical visions that flow through me. I see no need to escape this reality when it provides me such a delicious, inquisitive journey to explore. This Moon makes me aware of the ways I am growing. I grow like earth grows, and extend beyond the limits of the naked eye. This Moon makes me aware of my own effulgent nature. It reminds me that I was born in the wild. I can smell the ferns spiraling as they unfold from the forest floor. I know how the trees sing under the soil to one another. I know many things that have been forgotten, and the stories will not die with me. I sing the songs of truthful magic.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.