The New Moon in Gemini on May 22, 2020 (at 13:37EST) is birdsong in the wind.
A moon of subtle waves and signals.
Antennae up. Feelers out.
Turn down the noise and breathe in the music. Listen for the fledgeling lexicon. Catch the captivating colloquy.
Word, sound, power.
Every intonation is a spell. Each utterance a resonant enchantment. All sounds send waves and alter the space around them.
Words are promises. Charms. Affects and incantations.
Words are bendings in the wind. Words are wings in our web of connection.
We are living in the wind. Living in a neural network of mind. Circulating breath. Sharing air.
Air, always in motion. Traveling. It takes a maximum of two weeks for the air we exchange to transmit around the entire globe.
Words, ideas, commute upon breath and thought.
Oxygenate to elevate. Air keeps us current and conscious.
Breathe deeply to get clear. Breathe deeply to awaken and be innervated by life.
To inhale is to inspire.
Air is the invisible metaphor of our connectedness. The ungraspable evidence that we are interrelated and co-evolving.
Forces that separate us are illusory and fleeting. We are whole, and constantly learning, in our togetherness. And so, we breathe.
This New Moon is a genesis of words. A new conversation. An uncommon language.
Because we need new myths for the times we are living in.
North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius:
Questioning Beliefs
The Lunar Nodes of Fate shifted signs on May 5, 2020. They will remain in these mutable signs until January 18, 2022.
This New Moon launches eclipse season; the first one we’ll experience with the nodes in a new sign. Join me for a FREE eclipse webinar on May 30 to learn all about it.
Perception is everything.
Our minds have been conditioned by institutions. Government, economics, academia, media, religion.
Our perception, and therefore orientation to the world, has been prescribed and instated by those in power. Those who ascribe to philosophies of land ownership, reductive sciences of dissection, and the corruptions of war as legitimate life practices.
It is time to question what we think we know. To move beyond the confines of opinion. To disintegrate dogma.
If it’s black and white thinking, it is not the whole story. If it emerges from the need to be right or to win, it is not rooted in wisdom. Blind faith is not the same as trust.
Polarization is an invitation to seek a resonant third. To embrace paradox, and discover exquisite complexity.
Collapsing systems are too laden with the weight of corruption to be effective in their response to the times.
We need wings. We need words. We need connection. We need inquiry.
We need the nimbleness of decentralization. The distinctly human quality of ingenuity. We need space and freedom of mind.
We need the ethics of wholeness. Of naturalness. Of intuition. Of mutual aid.
An ethics of inter-being and relational intelligence.
We need the prismatic tapestry of the soma to guide our navigations. We need to listen to the birdsong, and to the body.
We can free our minds. Start by not-knowing. Be teachable.
Be the fool. The fledgeling. The curious child.
Separateness is one story. There are infinite other stories to now tell.
The voice of the village. Questions and possibilities. Options, variables, and alternate routes.
To tell an honest story is to tell one that accurately reflects reality.
There are many layers to reality. Reality is a spectrum.
To tell an honest story is to weave us further into the fabric of co-relationship.
To tell an honest story is to unhook from what binds us, and birth the wild.
To commune is to refine your ability to hear, and engage in, the honest story.
Let’s articulate togetherness. Remember that 93% of communication is non-verbal.
We are constantly communicating, with or without words.
In Gemini, the season of pollination, communication is a form of pollination. Birds, bees, butterflies and insects are vectors of nectar that bring life more alive.
Pollination leads to fertilization which leads to abundance, fruitfulness, multiplication and propagation.
We are vectors of voice.
Without our exchange, there would be no nectar.
So, pollinate. Talk to the fairies and elementals. Tell folktales. Create a figure of speech. Find facts, fictions, and the uncanny in-betweens.
Choose honest words of care, love, and beauty.
Use words to change the mind. Use words to change the world.
Be the author of the most enchanting story. Tales of welcoming neighbors to your table. Tales of mossy forest floors as beds for newborn babies and elders transitioning. Tales of a parallel universe where time-travels backwards.
Never silence yourself. Be like the multiverse and sing.
fledgling moon. folk moon. moon of a new mythos. supernal moon. exquisite moon. moon for seeing double. winged moon. empyreal moon. moon of word and wyrd. buzz moon. birds and bees moon. moon of the little people. fickle moon. enchanted moon. moon of minor divinity. first word moon. figure-of-speech moon. moon of uncommon language. voice-as-vector moon. gesticulation moon. moon of songs and signals. oxygen moon. parallel multiverse moon. moon on repeat. colloquy moon. moon of feathers and fae. moon of innervate to innovate.
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Gemini.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
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Read New Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below
Aries: I tell a new story.
The Aries zodiac sign is often described as a warrior. A conqueror. An individualist. But what if I am tired of fighting? I wish to use my energy effectively, without burning myself out. I want my light to burn brightly and steadily - my life to be well-lived. I am less invested in my struggle and more invested in my passionate love of life. I can stand in support of what I care about without engendering violence. The story I tell now is one of self-and-community response-ability. The story I tell now is one of connection and enlivenment. The story I tell weaves a world where, together, we swiftly intercept forces causing harm and instead redirect energy into what brings us more alive.
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Taurus: My instincts are intelligent.
I am the fruit. I am of Earth. My nature is abundance. My flesh softens and warms, fills up, and nectar-beads into droplets. My scent lingers in the air. I relish my animal nature. I treasure my instincts as a high form of intelligence; more immediately powerful, trustworthy, and influential than encyclopedias and tomes of mentally constructed data. I focus my attention, like sunlight, only on what is worthy of investment. Not every piece of information is deserving of my time. Some people are caught in illusion. I give myself permission to keep a distance from those who try to lead me away from what’s most true. I rely on my senses to keep me close to what feeds me. Earth.
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Gemini: New Moon, New Me.
Here I am, shapeshifting again. Somehow, each time I change, I feel more like myself. When I move, when I practice dexterity, when I flex and stretch - alternate dimensions pour through me. I go to space and back. I embody the cosmic art of adaptation. The shapes of destiny are calling me. I am the blessed messenger. The pollinator. The poet, the channel, and the student. My voice is needed. My voice can guide change. I will not cheapen my truth in exchange for connection. I look for the place where our truths can dance and an organic connection can cohere. And I will be nimble enough to see my own blind spots when others illuminate them. While staying clear - what can I trust this person for? What can I trust myself for? Who is this person I am becoming, and how do I know?
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Cancer: I rest and release.
I welcome this cycle of surrender. Of closure. Of transition. I wring myself out. Unwinding. Retreating into privacy. This Moon brings out spirits and apparitions. People, lovers, friends, and conversations from my past pop in for a revisitation. I welcome their ‘hello,’ comforted by the knowing that these visits are temporary. I listen to their messages, looking for proof of the lessons I’ve learned, and outlines of further assignments. This Moon is a moment to move past mistakes, to offer up grief, and swim in the waters of imagination and prayer. I give myself permission to keep letting go.
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Leo: I make a wish.
This New Moon inspires connection. I choose to collude with fellow bright minds. Together, through sharing our gifts and ingenuity, we weave the future into being. Let’s commune, conspire, and collaborate. Meanwhile, I share with care. Connecting does not require spilling my guts or baring it all. Some energies and information are classified, and I hold them close to my own heart. Not everyone is ready to receive the depths of what I have to offer. I give a bite of the apple rather than the whole fruit. Sharing the potency of my clandestine wisdom can help us all to fly higher. I honor the mystery within me. I make space for alchemical connections.
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Virgo: I aspire to climb.
This New Moon marks a new beginning in my longterm life direction. Which way am I ultimately going? What am I rooting into? I pay attention to the pillars of my life; what feels strong and steady, and where I wish to advance. There are places I am pulled to. Endeavors I am called to weather. In five years, in ten years, what will I have accomplished? I want to ensure that no effort is wasted. I lean into uses of time and energy that can hold and support me in return. I let the words “contribution, fulfillment, contentment” be like sign posts on my path. Meanwhile, things feel foggy and unclear within my relationships. I soften around my own vulnerabilities. Sometimes grieving together is just the right medicine for connection.
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Libra: I have wings.
My New Moon story is bigger than one I have lived before. My New Moon story is expansive and flying - one that takes me beyond borders into the limitless heights of potential that my spirit knows. My New Moon story is about growth and possibility. About living the answers to my most passionate questions. About sparking a vision that launches me into my own living myth. I widen my lens. I choose stories that open my mind. I choose experiences that weave me into my divine mission. I am a luminary. To me, love is not dependent upon condition. Losses and disappointments do not drown me - they purify my faith that I can open to life even more.
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Scorpio: I love my depths.
My depths are your depths. Our depths. What we share is what we are made of. All of it - the raw, the wild, the beautiful, the untamable, the suppressed, the inextricable, the smoldering, the eruptive. All of it, like DNA entwining, like roots intermingling and exchanging material, is our primordial bond. We are each other. We take in each other’s essences. I feel this in my soul and psyche. I feel it in the secrets we share. The things no one can put words to, what dwells in the recesses of creation. What I weave into being is born from this threshold place. This painful intimacy with all-that-is; is what gives way to my, and our, renewal.
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Sagittarius: I learn through relationships.
I don’t have to know it all. I don’t even need to know much. The myths I have lived by have evolved into something I can’t make meaning of yet. The distant lands I have longed for are no longer reachable. What am I seeking? Am I lost without a journey to explore? The times ahead feel small and close. Like baby steps. Like loss, confusion, and grief around home, family, and what I thought determined security. I am remembering that being lost is a precursor to being found. Remembering that there are other dreams for home and family and support that my loved ones and I are yearning for. I don’t know the way, so I ask for input. Advice. Counsel. Partnership. We are writing a new story of togetherness. Of learning and co-navigating confusion side-by-side. We’ll get somewhere like this.
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Capricorn: I keep it simple.
I am ready for a new rhythm. Routines to lighten my load. Schedules to keep me healthy and well-groomed. If my space needs to be cleared, I clear it. If the way I work feels cumbersome, I streamline. If my body needs tending, I keep myself watered and fed. I drink nettle tea and meditate on how plants are people’s helpers. As I put my physical world more in order, I become aware of mental and emotional fog. Some things haunt me. I recall transgressions of the past. The phantoms of those impressions arise again and I do well to sift through what is truly present versus what is a projection. In the spirit of realism, I assess what the people in my life can be trusted for. And I trust myself to risk a meeting of minds, despite feeling vulnerable.
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Aquarius: I am a creative spark.
This New Moon is like New Life awakening inside me. The embers of my heart are aglow. There are things I love passionately; things that bring me alive. I name these loves - I sing them into the world. Realms of play and joy and ripe abundance. Colors that catch my attention and feel like the pure expression of what my spirit wants to communicate. I paint this world awake. With childlike wonder, I marvel at what I can create. My heart is happy. I long to live the truth of prosperity. I know there is a limitless supply. I let myself dream of what resources I can generate and share when I steep in the magical quality of love-light.
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Pisces: I am going home.
This Moon is like a return. A soul retrieval. A reacquaintance with my origins. I am going within. Nesting. Finding sanctuary. Belonging takes on a different meaning when I approach it from the inside-out. To feel safe inside myself is something I earn, or maybe practice and hone over time. To feel comfortable has to do with trusting myself; and changing my environment to reflect the beauty and sanctity of who I am. I am sacred. My home is sacred. My inner world is sacred. I feel what I need to feel to cherish and cleanse and bless it all up. What if the whole world - and everything in the multiverse - could all be found right here, in this iota of space I inhabit with my kindreds? A vast and precious hearth, I keep.
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