The New Moon in Taurus on April 22, 2020 (at 22:26EST) is shifting sands.
Another moment to land.
Another moment to love this land, this patch of earth where you find yourself to be right now. This place where you’ve been put.
A moment to land even if the ground feels swirly or unfamiliar. Even as the walls close in, the winds are whipping through as a catalyst of change.
All riches amass from the ground up.
Taurus is a fixed earth sign of gathering and ripening. It is fertile soil and seeds in Earth, sprouts moving at the speed of growth.
Unhurried, unbothered, and impossible to rush.
Feel your body.
Slow and lush.
Hearty humus.
Taurus is barefoot. Simple. Native. Belonging to humble matters of composition.
All creation needs to prosper is cooperation with generous helpings of the elements.
Taurus is an attentive pause. A ripe in-breath held lovingly amid a yawning torso. A lingering touch composed of fingerprints memorizing shapes. The savoring of flavors and scents on the tongue. Vines creeping to eventually overtake what props them up, turning the whole trellis into a living body.
Taurus is a blossom folded in on itself in feeling. Quivering, developing, waiting keenly for its moment to POP open its illustriousness.
There’s gold in these hills. But we don’t dare disturb what’s precious in the ground. We catch our gold in the fleeting late afternoon light that lets us know it’s time to spark our fires and bring our day’s motion to stillness.
As fixed earth, Taurus is slow-to-change. It rules our attachments, deep-seated habituations, the things that steady us and give us ground. Our rocks. Our sources of comfort and sustenance. What we anchor ourselves to. The homeostasis of our physical body.
Taurus rules the things we take for granted as likely remaining the same. What we count on to stay in place.
But here’s the thing; change is inevitable, and nothing is immune to its impact.
Flesh will shake, dimple, wrinkle, and jiggle.
Even the sturdiest stone could buckle in time.
“God is Change.”
This New Moon is like an underground lightning strike. Its impact lighting up the mycelial web underfoot.
This lunation meets up with Uranus: the great awakener, the cosmic disruptor, the rebel-reformer.
Uranus, the mad scientist of the Sky. Everything’s an experiment.
Uranus liberates through unleashing truth in a climate of shock and surprise.
Uranus in Taurus is a flesh-shaker.
During its transit through Taurus (May 2018-2026), Uranus is upending the most predictable, seemingly solid areas of life. Basics and fundamentals such as food, energy, and economic systems become zones of chaos, innovation, and communalism. Simple, embodied pleasures activate our higher awarenesses and promote genius.
Uranus in Taurus
Learn more about this 8-year transit impacting the collective here via this instant-download online course.
This New Moon is like planting seeds into fertile, yet unpredictable ground. Rainbows, halos, and electric waveforms linger and zing overhead. The unusualness of each separate lifeform sings and buzzes in startling strain while sands shift the shape of the landscape.
How these seeds we plant sprout and what world they will grow up in is yet unknown to us all. But there are murmurs. Tremors. The future seeps in through the hoary past.
Settle in enough to hear the oldest stones talking.
This New Moon is square Saturn in Aquarius, highlighting a novel planetary tussle.
Saturn entered Aquarius on March 21st, 2020, beginning a 3-year period of reinvention and revolution throughout society. The vast majority of this transit is characterized by a dynamic square between Saturn (planet of the past) and Uranus (planet of the future).
Reality is holographic and ripe for recreation.
This transit promises deviation from the norm. Exploding the limits of containment. Interdependent coexistence. Accelerated developments in science, technology, art, and ecology will foster solutions.
Adaptability, innovation, resource-sharing, repurposing, and free exchange of information will be of utmost importance for thriving during these times of friction as we reshape global structures to appreciate relevant and emergent currents of modernization.
This Moon gives us a rich preview of the 3-year process to come. Notice what ideas are coming to public awareness and how each unique view contributes to the functioning of the whole.
Saturn in Aquarius
Learn more about the Saturn in Aquarius transit and how it shows up in your chart via this new course, hot off the presses and ready to be downloaded instantly.
Gargantuan Transformations
As Jupiter and Pluto meet, we face our fears around mortality. This is the first of 3 conjunctions between Jupiter and Pluto (the final one being November 12, 2020).
This represents an underworld quest - a healing crisis - a kind of massive soul retrieval. Our rigorous search for truth will cause us to dig deeper, transforming our typically-held beliefs into something more sound. Perspectives and methodologies that have long been at odds with one another will metastasize and merge in an alchemical process of transmutation.
Perception and reality breed one another.
Jupiter in Capricorn
Learn more about the Jupiter in Capricorn transit via this instant download course.
Increasing Trust
What makes us human? Is it our sensitivity? Our attachment to ideology? Our drive towards self-preservation? Our vulnerability? Our resourcefulness and creativity? What is the special magic of humanity?
To move through times ahead, we have to lean into something sturdier than the mind.
Collaboration that meets our need for survival goes beyond ideological faction. Can we be flexible enough to hold the complexities of many truths? Can we allow for freedom and science? Can we differ without warring?
“Divide and conquer must become define and empower.”
Can we reach for some kind of balance that can minimize harm and land us further in our bodies and the best of our humanity?
What would it mean to consider that all human beings have something to offer, and that their reactions are valid - even if we don’t fully comprehend them or agree? Many disagreements arise from misunderstandings. We still have so much to learn and discover about trauma.
How far can we stretch without breaking the inherent bonds between us?
“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.”
Let us stretch enough to make wide room for each person’s evolutionary path. Let us stretch in ways that help us to witness each other, instead of losing sight of one another. Let us stretch enough to build networks of generosity and mutual aid.
If we can, let’s strive to move in ways that say, “I see you.”
Not everyone is resourced for that right now, and it’s okay. For some people, surviving the next few minutes takes all of the focus. For others, saying prayers is their most effective next step.
In time, we will gather the necessary skills to care for ourselves and each other to keep going in these times of the fires.
We are planting seeds right now. Planting seeds is straightforward and risky. It requires us to envision what might grow of this, and to situate ourselves in the present with the hopes that we may prosper through change - all while being at the mercy of the mystery of impending variables.
Healing has to be a part of this. Healing is inherently a part of this.
Blessed way.
shifting sands moon. hourglass moon. fat moon. electric earth moon. moon of stones talking. moon of urgent intention. moon of nothing left unhinged. freeing the stuck moon. wakeup call moon. moon of the restful and radical. moon to embody the truth. unbeknownst moon. future brick moon. slow to take shape moon. jello mould moon. moon to be generous in our humanity. moon of soma and soil.
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Taurus.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
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Read New Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below
Aries: I revive what I truly value.
The machinery of extractive capitalism has ground to a halt. There I was, at the top of some mountain, attempting to reckon with and redefine my place in the world. As things began to crumble I wondered whose mountain I was on, and how much of my life has been self-determined. Now I ask, what does it mean to be a leader at a time like this? If I have resources, where might I put them? If everything collapses, what do I deem to be worthy? What truly makes a life worth living, and how do I model those values? This New Moon invites creative investments of capital with the aim of wealth redistribution.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Taurus: New Moon, New Me.
I am alive. Irrepressibly, irresistibly, designedly alive. There’s no hiding anymore. No staying quiet or bending with the status quo. In a chaotic time like this one, there is no status quo to bend to. There is only adaptation, experimentation, evolution. There is ample opportunity for me to realize how flexible I already am, and how much more I am able to stretch to hold crystalline complexity. I was born to become more myself. I trust my body instincts. I allow myself to be seduced further into honesty. I won’t suppress my knowings and glowings. I will trust them, for I am deeply and thoroughly alive.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Gemini: I allow for this clearing.
This New Moon falls in my astrological house of completion and self-undoing. It is normal to over-accumulate energy and information. At this moment, I am swollen like a sponge, ready to release toxicity and pour myself out. I let go. Stepping back from my human self, I make way for unconditional, undifferentiated, limitless energy to move through me and fill my cup. I rest. I relax. I fast. I move beyond the mundane. I power down, surrendering my mind and body into renewal. I find points of pressure and release them. Here, there is grief and forgiveness. There is the oceanic, spirited awareness that all things come and go and are part of an inconceivable whole. I let this Moon carry me into a state of non-being that precedes my next incarnation.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Cancer: I reinvent my connections.
This Moon reminds me of my gifts. What am I wonderful at? What is innate to me? When do I surprise myself with my own brilliance? On this Moon, I invite what makes me special to pour through me. I shower myself and others with the uniqueness of what I offer. I live into the question; how can I contribute? Who affirms my awesomeness? Who helps me to feel at home in myself? I don’t enter relationships that ask me to prove myself or submit in obedience to another. Social landscapes are places of innovation and creativity. I reach towards others in new ways. We join together to empower each other and make safety webs of mutual support.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Leo: I let the world see me in new ways.
I am ever-changing, and I live out loud. This Moon highlights the beginning of big shifts in my career, my calling, and my public image. Drawing on outreach and collaboration, I incubate innovations for working differently than I have before. What isn’t working? What ways can I work more effectively? I don’t have to be the sole star of my own show. I shine my light in the hope that others will gain the confidence and strength to see theirs, too. Let’s weave our networks so everyone can take a lead simultaneously. Our mycelial collaborations will brighten the world.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Virgo: I learn and grow.
This New Moon plants a seed of education in my life. I aim to expand my capacities and knowledge base. I widen my sphere. Planting seeds always requires risk. Before we place the seed in the Earth, we draw on a vision of what might become. Planting seeds is a commitment to reach towards that future - something more vast and bountiful than our current existence. When planting, there are so many possibilities. Weather ahead could be harsh. There may be too much sun or not enough water to support their requirements. The seeds may come to nothing. Or they could populate in an abundance that carries my loved ones and I through seasons of scarcity and unknowable conditions. Regardless of outcome, planting these seeds is an act of hope and a commitment to gaining the wisdom I seek. I trust growth.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Libra: I am a creature of transformation.
Darkness, heaviness, pressure and restriction - are often indicators that an alchemical process is underway. Alchemy is the refinement of dense lead into shining gold. I am in the cauldron. This New Moon plants a seed in the area of my unconscious. My shadow self. My power center. Whatever I have been holding or perpetuating, I offer it to the gods. Unrestricted by my past, I realize that I have only ever been haunted by my own splendor. Joint ventures and shared resources can free up energy for everyone involved. We no longer attempt to drain or exploit ourselves or each other. We simply stare agape at the wide basin of energy that keeps us linked together, in honor of the primal nature of union.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Scorpio: I meet my match.
This New Moon plants a beloved seed in the realm of partnership. Things feel particularly fresh and exciting when it comes to love, friendship, and meeting - or spending time with - an equal who mirrors me. I savor these sensations of sensual stability. Meanwhile, I am still educating myself and working on refining communication. I take every opportunity to edit mistakes and correct blindspots so my message can clearly come across. Taking some time to journal this week can maximize the potential for self-reflection and positive relating.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Sagittarius: I find my rhythm.
In an arrhythmic time, I turn myself to a curriculum of life - somewhat set with periods and courses, but spacious enough for me to indulge myself in present adventures. If life at the moment were comprised of a self-designed set of studies, what would I choose to learn? What are the things that ground me when I’m dysregulated? Which pursuits serve me and help me to show up more fully for the present moment? Perhaps most importantly - what is medicine for me right now, and how can I design my life around it? I am learning that I can travel in place. That I can be creative with discovering new uses for limited resources available to me. That sometimes contraction and hygienic order vastly facilitates the expansion I crave.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Capricorn: Joy is important to me.
This New Moon is a fresh start that holds a seed promise of eventual happiness. Today, I look for a glimmer of joy. I mark it. Capture it. Let it sink into my cells in such a way that a moment could last me for years. What is happiness made of? Contentment? Satisfaction? A job well done or a chapter closed? Lowered expectations? Resisting a temptation to succumb to mounting pressures and fears, instead I affirm all the forces that coalesce to support me right now. I deepen into my own bones; the essential integrity of who I am. And I seek ways to express myself. Playfulness and expressivity are qualities I can give more of myself to.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Aquarius: I always belong.
Often an alien, or an outsider-looking-in, these times shake the Earth in such a way that I find myself falling more into place. It’s like the barriers that kept me from feeling in tune with the world as-it-is have dissipated. The chaos magic of now has called me more home - or called my home here. I’ve been waiting for these rainbows in the sky to match the ones I’ve seen in my mind’s eye since birth. There is an electric faith within me. I’m a guide. A magical heretic scientist who sees complexity as angelic. A soothsayer to assist people’s minds and channels through this transition out of binary. I’ve landed in myself. An arrival. My time come. I harbor hope and await instruction.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Pisces: I articulate insight.
I can hear the Earth’s voice. She speaks through aura, murmurs through the flickering fur of her fauna, and utters in shrubbery tongue. The slithering quivering dry cry of the foliage, the wet on the plains sighs in poetry. I listen in awe of all idle conjecture as it alights me into the chorus of being primordially alive. When I tune into the human dimension, all I hear is dissent. Radio static that dulls my hearing. So I go into the quiet wells of pleasure as encapsulated by our most medicinal elements. To those humans I encounter in these times, I allow the chorus of nature to sweep through my pipes into their souls. Reminding them. Letting them know there is peace absorbing into the ground right where they sit.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.