The Full Moon in Libra on April 7, 2020 (at 22:35EST) is a looking glass.
Use this pink supermoon as a surface from which to reflect.
mirror moon. moon of self and other. moon of me and we. moon of i and us. us v them moon. separate-yet-connected moon. fight and makeup moon. moon to agree to disagree. no judgement moon. post-facts moon. moon of vigilant solace. more beauty moon. team togetherness moon. common enemy moon. moon of partners and traitors. agitated calm moon. moon to effort toward peace. chrysalis crisis catharsis moon. coherent creative creature moon. legions of light moon. moon of eerie grace. pink elephant moon. mind melt moon. moon of imaginal cells.
This Moon is a specter of our struggle to love.
This Moon is a symbol of our strength to love.
This Moon is a chance to soften our angles.
Imagine being in a hallway of mirrors reflecting your image. A visual echo chamber. Beaming and bouncing hundreds of perceptual layers until you reach the questions: Where am I? Which one am I? Which vision is real?
Mirrors are portals. Gateways to alternate dimensions. Each of us is in a portal leading to variant ways of being. And as yet, little can be sussed of where we might arrive beyond this sojourn. Or even for how long our sequestration will be required.
So we meet the moment. Again and again. Staying close to ourselves in a time of separation. Even as our minds melt.
If only looking from the outside-in, we may not see the truth of the situation. We have to feel the body. The center. The soul. And perceive from the inside-out.
Reach for the middle of the tree rings inside you. Hold your attention there.
Meet in the middle.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.”
And if the fields are closed, meet at the etheric field. Hold council.
We live in a post-facts world.
Truth has decentralized and is no longer stored in a monolith. Externalized sources of hyper-authority have morphed into a corrupt conglomerate. So we, the people, find ourselves crowdsourcing mixed information. Sorting through the clang and din of statistics, projections, fallacies, panic, phobia, and emotions. Scraping up against the obscurities of embedded attachment wounds and complex cached trauma.
Stay curious. This is not a time to naively accept appearances as literal. Nor is it a time to drift at the mercy of political and social conditioning. Within the swells of facts and conspiracies and ideas and groupthink, find your independent resonance. Strengthen your spiritual channel. Seek your autonomy.
No matter how uncomfortable you feel, avoid the temptation to police others. It is a time to engage self-responsibility, and increase your capacity to love.
Many feel at odds right now.
Our physical distance is illustrating a spiritual separateness we’ve been collectively living in for a whole age.
This pandemic (of possibility) can break illusory borders and weave us together if we let it.
self and other moon -
the you you know, and the you you don’t.
It has been said that for greater accuracy, we could replace the term “other” with “other self.” This reflects the cogent reality that there is really only One of us here.
Please be good to each other.
Please be kind, be gentle, be loving and tender.
Please reach towards one another, even through an impersonal screen or a telephone signal, instead of weaponizing the distance.
Please relax your judgement and blame.
Please pause making assumptions and building conceptual or moralistic towers.
Please encourage each other to ask questions and learn more on the subjects that interest them.
Please look to see each other's gifts and creative qualities.
Please lead one another towards a wakeful equanimity. Remind each other that beauty is freeing.
Please know - people are scared. People are ill. People are grieving. People are frozen. People are healthy. People are shocked. People are dancing. People are hurting. People are pregnant. People are houseless. People are caretaking the vulnerable. People are picking violets and playing in dirt. People are alone in urban apartments. People are safe. People are at risk.
There are all kinds of people in the world right now, each exploring an independent journey. Each of them seeing things and taking steps from their unique place in time and body.
This Moon is a time to remember that I am you. You are me. There is only one of us here: self and other self.
Use this as an opportunity to be curious. How can we relate to each other, and to what’s happening, without judgement?
What will happen if we respect our differences and cohere in our efforts at adaptation?
Rather than guard against alternative views, regard each idea and condition with neutrality. Welcome it all as an essential part of the whole.
“Real intimacy involves shared risk.”
What if the very things that seem antithetical to one another aren’t oppositional - but balancing?
The world is hostile until we collectively learn to not be hostile towards the world.
Each person holds the truth within them. Some truths seem argumentative. But when we gather them up like pieces to a puzzle, connect them all in mosaic, and shine love through them, the whole Truth we see will become us. Clear. Radiant. Fragmented mirrors spliced as a holy, colorful, five dimensional artwork of stained glass. More divinely exacting and awe-infused than any single individual could generate. Like a brand new star, made from the light of us all.
What if this tension is leading us into a more beautiful world?
Feed your equilibrium.
Be so attuned to beauty that you become unassailable.
We are confronting cognitive dissonance to reshape consensus culture.
Interrogating the status quo to reboot the commons.
Not everything will add up or make sense right now. And so we stop looking for sense. We start looking for imagination.
My friend and clinical herbalist Christina Bertelli calls this moment a Chrysalis Crisis.
“To better understand the opportunity hidden in today’s crises, consider the tale of another world in transition. Imagine you are a single cell among millions that comprise a growing caterpillar. The structure around you has been operating like a well-oiled machine, and the larva world has been creeping along predictably. Then one day, the machine begins to shudder and shake. The system begins to fail. Cells begin to commit suicide. There is a sense of darkness and impending doom.
From within the dying population, a new breed of cells begins to emerge, called imaginal cells (aka YOU!). Clustering in community, they devise a plan to create something entirely new from the wreckage. Out of the decay arises a great flying machine—a butterfly—that enables the survivor cells to escape from the ashes and experience a beautiful world, far beyond imagination. Here is the amazing thing: the caterpillar and the butterfly have the exact same DNA. They are the same organism, but are receiving and responding to different organizing signals.
That is where we are today. When we read the newspaper and watch the evening news, we see the media reporting a decaying caterpillar world. And yet everywhere, you and other human imaginal cells are awakening to a new possibility. We are clustering, communicating, and tuning into a new, coherent signal of love.”
Collapse, then cluster. We are imaginal cells.
Recreating the world in the image of the innovative genius that awakens when we collect.
The changes these events are spurring in your life are initiating your next calling. Lighting it up directly. Follow these little urgent fires to your next destiny.
If you have time, focus on what brings out the best in you.
To build the future, simply look for what needs to be done. And do it your own unique way.
Soon, we will see magnificent innovations in science, politics, medicine, food systems, economics, community organizing, art, music, technology, and potentially every other arena. Necessity breeds invention. We will gain new awarenesses of the body, the planet, and the power of people. We will see that true science is soulful. That allegories and stories are meaningful data. That the human heart and spirit is revolutionary. That freedom is our most important asset.
“Neither being one thing or another. No longer belonging and not yet attaining. You live in limbo and fiercely get ready. This is a very strange predicament. You have no world to be in. The past is over, the future is not yet. The present moment becomes both magical and dreadful...When you have lost everything and truly have nothing left to lose, you are free. Free to dream and free to be. You still have no context, no place to plug in. But you are a free agent...And in this state, you have one amazing option. If you surrender your sparkling autonomy to the universal life-force, you can turn the world on and make everybody aware that they are free as well.”
“You do not belong to you. You belong to the universe. The significance of you will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume you are fulfilling your significance if you apply yourself to converting all your experience to highest advantage to others. Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.”
Whomever you are, wherever you are, however you are having your experience… under the graceful light of this full pink supermoon, my heart goes out to you.
May we share in the risk of our fate, in kind and in common.
May we build a loving world that brings forth our genius so all interdependent beings and systems can thrive.
* Meredith Aphieme Zen Tarot
** Ellias Lonsdale Inside Degrees
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Libra.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
Astrology of Awakening
Virginia is speaking as a part of this virtual summit on Sunday, April 12th at 12pm EST.
Become a sustainer at $5 or $10/month. Or you can make a single-time donation here.
Read Full Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below
Aries: To go far, we must go together.
Going it solo might seem faster and more familiar, but it’s not the best option at this point. I am as interdependent as I am independent. This Full Pink Supermoon shines a light on my relationships. I see others as a mirror helping to illuminate what I can’t always see in myself. It is worth it to strengthen connections of all kinds - partners, friends, enemies, allies. At the very least, I open myself up to learning about how to show up and support the web of humanity in this time of crisis-catharsis. I use my energy to collaborate, regenerate, and reinvent what doesn’t work for all.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Taurus: I escape into the present moment.
Wherever I go, here I am. Me, my prayers, my body, and my spiritual connection. In this time of not-going-anywhere, I imagine I can do no wrong. I feed and fertilize, enriching my homebound soil. I rub myself with oil and release my mind to heights. I focus on restoring and cultivating wellness in all the small things I can touch. As I peer to the small close grains of living, I notice multitudes of culture and diversity in a single potted plant, or cluster of skin cells. Tending to wellness is the most useful work I can do right now. I do it daily, like a ritual offering devoted to a unifying love.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Gemini: I am amused.
To loiter. To dream. To ponder, sniff about, and be absorbed in thought. This is what it is to ‘muse.’ There is a lightness of being that lends to musement. Not of taking things seriously, but of considering things with curiosity. As if life were a show, a performance, that invites us to make whatever sense of it that pleases us most. If this were all for entertainment, what kind of meaning might I make of the current times? My task is to create imaginal enjoyment, then remove whatever obstacles remain that obscure my ability to trust in the truth of utter joy.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Cancer: I practice inner modulation.
This Full Pink Supermoon reminds me that nothing can grow without roots well-placed in soil. Nutrients, oxygen, and sunlight are necessary nurturance. I need the right, moderate amount of exposure to the elements to fortify my life. A bit of comfort, a bit of discomfort - I need to toggle a bit in order to grow. For me personally, I need beauty in my environment if I am to thrive. I need the support of family and loved ones. I need to practice centering myself. I let this Moon shine a light on my inner self and my nest, so I can cultivate more peace and calm there.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Leo: I stay close.
In the past, when I’ve been told “go big or go home,” I chose to go big. Now, my only choice is to go home. And I’m starting to see with new eyes. There are grand journeys I have missed that are right within my reach. I never really had to leave to learn anything. I just had to shift perspective. My interest brings things alive. My curiosity gives things energy. I’ve been distracted from the multitudes of wisdom that settle in layers around me like magic dust. I refocus, speaking life into the trees and birds and blossoms and walls that offer themselves to me without apology. I come into enthusiastic conversation with what’s here.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Virgo: My seeds are ripening.
The Sun shines in my house of the unknown. I feel the mystery surrounding me. It’s always here, but I am acutely aware of it now. The Moon swells in my house of resources. What do I have and not have in my posession? In the current climate, to what do I assign value? What am I feeling pulled to build, and what will I tear down to accomplish this? I am beginning to erect a new lifestyle. One that ultimately will offer me more freedom. The next 3 years will see me reinventing and renovating how I live.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Libra: I am sovereign in myself.
My creative pursuits take priority now. Creativity is the act of generating life. Its energy is stoked by confronting mortality. In realizing that I no longer fear death, I welcome the risk required of creativity. No matter who I come into contact with, no one has power over me. I am a director, an agent of honesty and sparkling change. I will not stand for my vital energy being blocked or delayed. I am an artist, circulating my vitality. I am crowning. I am crowned. I step into the unbridled power of who I am becoming.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Scorpio: I revel in the realness.
I float between the borders of reality and illusion. At the intersection between the real world and the invisible realms, healing is happening. I am floating in wells of forgiveness. Letting go of what holds no relevance. Realizing so many things don’t matter - and allowing this process to purify me. I have dissolved my expectations in the discovery that I never had as much control as I thought. I release fear and let myself be carried by an intangible loving power. I am willing to keep going, and I’ll go further as I become more allowing of life to move me as it may.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Sagittarius: People are a resource for me.
Under the light of this Full Pink Supermoon, connection is key. I connect with community. I define community as people who see and support my creative spirit. We gather together for learning, for writing, for aggregating knowledge and wisdom. My perspective is not enough all on its own. I trust the ritual of togetherness is needed - even at a distance - for fleshing out understanding. Our stories matter. They help to make the future. This Full Moon invites me to see riches in places I haven’t fully looked. Discovering these buried treasures gives me hope that we’ll be guided to wherever we’re going.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Capricorn: I am an anchor.
There is steadiness in my purpose. Even as the world collapses, I find I am made of a sturdiness that is not so dependent upon external conditions. All the renovating I have been doing on myself these last 2 years has exposed a sort of structural integrity that can carry me through most anything. I have already learned there is new life on the other side of death. I welcome these changes in global design. I know I have a place and I’ll eventually plug into it. Right now, I have to focus on what matters and how to get resources into the hands of people who need them most.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Aquarius: I am free.
When I am under lockdown, I become more mobile. When free speech is censored, I let my mind wander into unexplored heights. When I am barred from gathering with people, I make friends with the non-humans surrounding. These events simply increase my ingenuity when it comes to inventing freedom. I will find and experience freedom in whatever crack or crevice it still exists. For that is who I am in my essence - a steward of liberation. An agent of change. When the times demand revolution, I become a scientist of meeting human needs. A technician of adaptation. We will swell beyond these confines into a dispersing glimmer of life unsurpassed.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Pisces: Facing death brings me to life.
Mortality is my teacher. I allow it to revive the parts of me that have been sleeping - craving the wakefulness of intensity to bring them center stage. The parts of me that are called to attention by crisis are elements of self that I love deeply. I turn my senses towards them and steep them in glory. When I feel that I am on the brink - of anxiety or apathy or whatever - I recall that I’ll return into the throes of life with the medicine of change in tow. I will use this medicine and apply it liberally, transforming whatever needs the glow of rebirth into pure gold.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.