The New Moon in Aries on March 24, 2020 (at 5:28EST) is a key in the ignition.
Aries represents the new beginning. The flame of existence. Life, energy, irresistible force. The will to live.
Aries rises. Summons upwards. Pushes forth. Burgeons emergently to the surface from the underworld.
What a beginning we are in.
Consider this a prelude.
We are spiders in the web, waiting at the nexus of taut threads. Listening for their vibrations to instruct us and alert us into provocation.
We are caught in the crosshairs between a perishing order and a new world dawning.
“Things that go down must eventually come up.”
Right now, the innovative life forms that will prevail in the years ahead are unfurling as seedlings at the edges of society’s broken down machinery.
Like sunburst dandelions deciding to take root in the cracks of sidewalks. Rising like stars, face up and face forward, leaves tender and bitter and serrated and fierce.
New life is small, yet mighty. Wet, warm, and willful. Persistent and pernicious. Scrappy, spicy, and strong.
We are pungent. Acrid. Surviving.
This New Moon is conjunct Chiron.
Chiron is a minor planet about healing, suffering, and integration. The crack is where the light comes in. The medicine of Chiron tells us that healing is a process of ‘wholing.’ Bringing missing pieces together. Un-learning separation.
This is a Moon of coalescence.
Uniting. Joining. Individuals growing together.
Chiron in Aries requests our bravery. Who are we now, as the known-world collapses, when we can no longer define ourselves through our proximity to familiar structures?
Why are we here? To lead. To heal.
What will we fight for? Life. Us.
Learn more about Chiron in Aries via this instant-download course.
Chiron, and the New Moon, are conjunct in square aspect to the Nodes of Fate.
This axis of destiny has been in Cancer and Capricorn since November 7, 2018.
We are asked to recreate ourselves by staying home. Taking shelter. Spending time with our families. Being let go from work. Feeling waves of emotion. Tending our fears and insecurities. Cooking. Caring for, nurturing, and protecting each other.
Check on people who need people. Who need place. Who need comfort. Who need support. Who need supplies.
This is a time to recreate ourselves with the visceral knowledge that we are all related.
This New Moon is ruled by Mars.
Mars is an aggressive, vigorous, agitating planet. It activates, energizes, and mobilizes what it touches.
During this New Moon, Mars is in Capricorn, the sign of government, authority, and institutions. Mandates and restrictions will enforce containment.
Capricorn is also the sign of inner wisdom. Practical pursuits for preservation. Livelihood. Bone-and-stone-deep magic.
To honor Mars, be grounded, prepared, and move responsibly. Consider subsistence. If you can, plant a garden. Connect with nature, rocks, elders, and things older than the time we know.
During this Moon, Mars is moving between Pluto and Saturn. In traditional astrology, all of these planets are considered “malefics,” meaning they generate misfortune and adversity.
We are besieged.
Saturn and Pluto coming together is a symbol of death, destruction, and rebirth. The total transformation of structures. Irreversible change in the spheres that hold power and influence. The beginning of a new era.
Saturn and Pluto were conjoined (like they are now) during the Black Death in 1347-1351. The bubonic plague forever changed the social and economic fabric of Europe.
We will be forever changed by this point in time.
Jupiter approaches Pluto.
Jupiter is a few days away from making its first exact conjunction with Pluto in 2020 (April 4 is the exact date). This transit will occur 3 times in total before the year is out, the other dates being June 30 and November 12.
Jupiter on Pluto marks catastrophe and downfall for those abusing power. This is the beginning of the end for the establishment.
This transit makes the small HUGE and the GIANT tiny. We are turned inside out. Dig deep and call upon ancestral wisdom and resilience. One molecule contains the entire cosmos. Stay present and aware of your immediate sphere of influence. Inner work is effective for producing external results.
Throughout the year, our perspectives and belief systems will change drastically as we become more aware of corruption. Faith, trust, myth and meaning-making are potent support in these times.
Saturn entered Aquarius.
On March 21st, Saturn changed signs from Capricorn into Aquarius.
The weird shall inherit the Earth.
A new world exists beyond tyranny, hierarchy, patriarchy, and oppression. It is a world we are each called to build and channel into being. Authority transitions from the elite into the hands of the everyday human. Solidify self-sustaining communities and networks of mutual aid. Adaptation and innovation are essential.
To learn more about this transit, which lasts until March 7, 2023, check out the online course here.
The road ahead is long and rough. Littered with trials and marvels.
The old world won’t die without a fight. There is much work to be done in carving the glittering path to the new world.
Unhook from the global poverty scheme.
Ration your stores. Share what you have. Conserve your energy.
The medicine we need is all around us. Within us. Inside each other and the more-than-human world. In blankets of violets. In purple dead nettle and cleavers and plantain and chickweed. Invaders like kudzu and japanese knotweed and lemon balm - turns out they contain the perfect compounds to cure what ails us.
Let the spirit of camaraderie envelop you. We are charged to take care of each other.
We will get through this together. There is a rainbow on the other side.
Call in the miracles.
Be a warrior of love for the New Earth.
brave new moon. burning bush moon. a whole moon. moon of coming up. moon of the small and mighty. prelude moon. seedling moon. inside-out moon. topsy-turvy moon. moon of the urgent and emergent. scrappy moon. spicy moon. moon to collate and coalesce. mobilize moon. strong moon. moon of me to we. face forward moon. camaraderie moon. moon for miracles.
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Aries.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
Become a sustainer at $5 or $10/month. Or you can make a single-time donation here.
Read New Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below
Aries: New Moon, New Me.
This Moon marks a fresh start in my life. I am out here on my own, discovering my strengths. I am a self-determined being. When circumstances beyond my control change my course, I act swiftly and decisively. I pay close attention to the feeling of movement and momentum that wills me forward. I have the option to see what’s happening now as a blessing. An opportunity to heal myself. To shift from a hard focus on my career and instead, look at who is around me. What community connections will sustain my future life?
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Taurus: I surrender to fate.
My beginning arrives when I fully allow for the endings. My beginning arrives when I let myself unravel. My beginning arrives when I grieve and release the past. Deeply-held anxieties are healing inside of me, now. If I have learned anything recently, it’s that ‘wherever I go, there I am.’ If my movement is restricted, I welcome the chance to deepen my roots. After a time of wandering in body or spirit, I am feeling a focus begin to emerge. As things around me collapse, I am like a rock - ripe to build something. My place in the world is defined by what society needs from me at this historic point in time. I lead us back to the land.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Gemini: I gather my allies.
This Moon marks a new beginning in the realm of community. Not everyone will be for me, and I won’t be for everyone. I respect this and use wisdom and discernment as I call my people to me. I summon protection from people who aren’t a match for me or my future. I am embarking on a journey of exponential growth. In this huge moment of unknown, when I have so many questions, I choose to Trust. There is much to learn and discover and the path ahead is already written into my bones. I have had prescient moments of glimpsing the world I am helping to build. A beautiful, rainbow world of utmost possibility. I imagine us there together, already.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Cancer: I am a sanctuary.
This Moon reminds me of my influence. A new beginning is inaugurated in the realm of career and purpose. If a career doesn’t define me, I care like it’s my job. Being a nurturer and protector are my innate specialties. I own my sensitivity as my strength. I take shelter seriously. On this Moon, I do what I can to make sure those without houses have shelter and food. On this Moon, I check on all the parents and pregnant people. On this Moon, I cook someone a nourishing meal. I prepare myself to nurse and tend the threshold spaces of death, mystery, and rebirth.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Leo: I live in the mythic.
This Moon marks the beginning of a new adventure. A seed is being planted for a mythic journey. Whether or not I’ll play a hero remains to be seen - but I certainly have a central role in how the story transpires. I feel myself radically departing from business-as-usual and the mundane world. Unburdening myself of normal chores, schedules, and to-do lists. I am invited to connect with others in a more serious, responsible way. I realize this will put me in contact with people who have a radically different mindset than I do. I respect that, and I center my heart in all interactions.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Virgo: I embrace the unknown.
The mystery is not a comfortable place to be, for it is not a place that is friendly to my mechanical intelligence. Things I cannot do include making plans and following clear-cut instructions. But the mystery is a place of initiation, transformation, and empowerment. Things I can do include radical, deep listening and presence. I commit to noticing what is here from moment-to-moment, and attending to it with impeccable intention and skillfulness. In particular, I place more focus on enacting healthy rhythms in my life. I can best serve from a place of wellness.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Libra: Connections are healing.
This New Moon is a chance to set new patterns in relationships. I take this opportunity to explore suffering or pain-points that emerge in relationships. I look at these triggers through the lens of healing. I am not here to merely morph into what others want me to be. People act as a mirror so I can better see my own individuated self. Relationships help me to claim more of myself. There is a creative spark being lit within me. I rearrange my life so I can prioritize this joyful energy. In a nutshell: this Moon highlights the importance of my self-expression.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Scorpio: I pray for healing.
On this New Moon, I tend my body. I caretake my body as I would an altar. I treat my body as a temple. I go about my day in ways that serve my body. I listen as deeply as I can to the rhythms of my body. I wash my hands with attention and intention. I say prayers over them, knowing that the energy of the words is just as cleansing as the soap and water. I say prayers of healing for the world. I say prayers for coming home. I pray to be safe, secure, and supported as I work towards planting my roots where they belong.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Sagittarius: I heal through creating.
This New Moon launches a creative project that contains immense healing potential. I trust the spark. I light the torch. I am originative, leading the way by embodying the muse. In times of pressure, darkness, and isolation, I will fight to keep the spirit alive. Self-expression is a balm. Love is a resource. Play is an imperative order. I strive to remember that when we share our gifts and ingenuity, when we let the lifeblood pour through us in colorful bounty, we heal. And as we heal, we transform and mitigate any downfall that may come to us. To be creative is to titrate ourselves with the antidote to what ails us.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Capricorn: I am safe and held.
This New Moon begins a cycle of support in my life. My home, family, and foundations shift in such a way that can lessen my load of responsibilities. I am ending a long period of reshaping myself. During that time, I have let go of a lot of things that were never me or mine. On this Moon, I declare that I belong to myself. I am safe here. I don’t need an external authority or an outworn culture to tell me what I’m worth or what my purpose is. I am always worthy. I am free to invest my energy and attention into things that feed me and make me feel resourced. I give myself permission to just be.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Aquarius: I open to curiosity.
This New Moon begins a new mindset for me. Rather than remain rigid in what I ‘know,’ I accept that I don’t know much at all. Everything I thought I knew is rapidly changing. I live by the philosophy that the more I learn, the less I seem to know. I consider this moment the beginning of a learning curve. Instead of seeking answers, I engage in dialogue and conversation. I write my stream-of-consciousness for the sake of being surprised by my own mental impulses. I am embarking on a course of study that will reshape how I relate to myself and the world at large.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Pisces: I am rich.
What are riches made of? In times like these, when money contains little value, I notice how much running water matters to me. I notice how much companionship is worth. The strum on a guitar is so soul-soothing, I could give all of myself to those sublime vibrations. This New Moon begins a cycle of investment. A sudden chance to call in resources. An opportunity to further integrate my worthiness. Regardless of who is around me, I feel myself entering a time of soulful solitude. A time where I journey to reclaim the dreams that I’ve had before and somehow lost. The gift of quarantine is prioritizing my spiritual listening.
I know these times are uncertain for all of us - particularly financially. I am so grateful for your readership and the ability to connect through this work. If you have the means, your monthly contributions make it possible for me to continue this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.