The New Moon in Libra on September 28th (2:26pmEST) is a curving connection point.
A venn-diagram. A partner dance. A meeting between opposites.
The flick of a wrist. The glance of an eye. An invitation in the shape of a smile.
A charming advance. A leisurely dalliance. A coquettish flirtation.
This moon is a familiar chill up the spine.
It’s a Moon of Making Love.
Look for the things you can love.
Beauty is everywhere. Beauty reminds us to live in a state of love.
Things to love are everywhere. There is something to love in everything; in everyone. All of life gives opportunity to make more love.
Asters blooming in the dimming light. Chestnuts falling and popping from their hulls as they crash to the ground. Old outbreaths rising from the soil, releasing memories through millions of minds.
Things are falling apart. Things are coming together. Find the intersection and in it,
Make more love.
Love grows love. Kindness grows kindness. Acceptance breeds acceptance.
All the world is a mirror.
Give what you want to get.
Look for the things that love you back.
Judgement is not love. Nor are platitudes, placations, or masks of assimilation. Love is not cosmetic. Love does not tiptoe for fear of upsetting false balance. Love is not “going along with” or “keeping the peace.” Love is not predicated on altering appearances or conforming to social mores.
Love is sharing. Love is connection and true companionship. Love is meeting the ‘other’ and realizing they’re the other half. Love is being met. Love is substantive. Love is joining together and producing harmonic resonance through union. Love is appreciating natural beauty. Love is a loud call for restoration. It is waging peace, and uplifting justice. Love is reparation and reconciliation.
This Moon is a rebalancing; on levels both personal and cultural.
The past week has contained major conversations and choices about righting wrongs and coming back into balance. We are setting up course for repair and justice. What we begin under this New Moon will come clear by mid-January 2020.
Since 2019 dawned, it has been a heavy year. If not heavy, then deep. A year of questioning, of ciphering, of existential crisis. A year of clarifications and shifting tectonic plates. At times, a fearful year of stuckness, resistance, and regression. At times, purposeful, like steering heavy machinery or finally getting into alignment with our own integrity.
(Learn more about the current transit of Saturn in Capricorn via this instant download course.)
With Saturn in Capricorn, things are real real. Like Baba Yaga in the deep woods, real. Like recalling cultural amnesia on genocidal collusion, real. Like figuring out the burning times never ended. We’ve been facing and clearing ancient karmic patterns. Trimming the fat. Pruning away non-essentials. Gaining wisdom and returning to necessity.
This is big work, this reckoning with culture. We are not just products of our environment. We are culture-makers. When we can no longer fit in, we re-create culture and society in the image of the lasting. But before we are makers, we’ve got to be culture-breakers - demolish to rebuild. It is here, in the wreckage, that we determine where to anchor our Love.
What are we being re-made into? Can culture become a clearer reflection of love?
What is beautiful about all these changes we’re moving through? Let’s uplift that.
Trust in balance.
We are settling into a new kind of equal.
Remineralizing the soils and bones.
Staring into the immensely insatiable beauty of a black hole.
A black hole holds the center of our galaxy. We are born of this black hole - the relationship between gravity, time, and space. These relationships forge an interminable balance.
Relationships make Art out of Us.
Balance is not something we do. Balance is what we’re in. It’s what we are, in wholeness. Balanced is what we become, in relationship to the whole. Two halves make the whole, and their dance is inseparable. Day leads to night, and night to day. Seasons change. Ages and epochs turn. Step back and allow the scales to find their way to equilibrium. It takes grace to know both sides as one.
To become more balanced, adjust your relationships. Start by making peace with yourself. Befriend yourself. Give some love in your own direction.
Identify; what will give you peace? What is within your control and jurisdiction that will bring about more peace? Where can you smooth out a wrinkle? Making peace is not the same as pretending everything is okay.
In heavy times, what still brings a lightness of being? Cultivate ease. Making ease is not the same as avoiding problems.
“Act without doing;
work without effort.
Think of the small as large
and the few as many.
Confront the difficult
while it is still easy;
accomplish the great task
by a series of small acts.
The Master never reaches for the great;
thus she achieves greatness.
When she runs into a difficulty,
she stops and gives herself to it.
She doesn't cling to her own comfort;
thus problems are no problem for her.”
-Tao Te Ching Chapter 63, translation by Stephen Mitchell
Become a connoisseur of the casual interspaces. Explore and know the small twixts and tweens, the tiny yet significant inroads that form connective tissue. The connective tissue holds the bones of structure in place. It’s worthwhile to work there.
This Moon is an equalizer. As such, it offers new ways of being in relationship. For relationships to improve, we right what needs righting. We come correct and become more connected to the whole.
Address the imbalance, and grow more love.
Looking in the mirror of life, we can see that goldenrod is still in flower and glinting in slanting afternoon light. Pears hang heavy on a backyard tree. Persimmons like tiny pumpkins burst at the seams with sweetness. Acorns layer the ground.
Be a friend to these miracles.
The world is sharing itself with you. Don’t withhold yourself from it. Take the chance of connecting with life, and share yourself back. Give and get. Meet, and be met.
Be easy and admire the beauty along the way.
Rose Gold Moon. Looking Glass Moon. Lovers Moon. Moon of Being Met. See-Saw Moon. Wage Peace Moon. Moon of Visages. Moon of Masks & Wrappings. Negotiations Moon. Moon of Being Charmed. Insignia Moon. Moon of Hanging in the Balance. Persimmon Moon. Persuasion Moon. Moon of Ma’at. Moon of Ruffled Skirts. Persephone and Demeter Moon. Course-Correct Moon. Moon of Drying Colors. Lace Jewelry Moon. Moon of Marrying Yourself. Moon of Reciprocity. Light-as-a-Feather Moon. Stiff-as-a-Board Moon. Moon of Middle Ground.
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Libra.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
These Moon forecasts are made possible by your monthly contributions. Become a sustainer at $5 or $10/month. Or you can make a single-time donation here.
Read Full Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below
Aries: I am interdependent.
Balance is showing up in my life in the form of people. Partners, friends, companions, lovers - I turn to others for the best advice. Co-operation is a keyword for me right now. I take myself and others off pedestals. I heal over-independence into interdependence - soothing struggle with grace. Collaboration helps me to know myself better. I admire all that is beautiful that others are bringing into my life. The best relationships are founded between people who have a strong sense of themselves. I bring my courage and confidence to the table, and use it to love fiercely.
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Taurus: I am well.
This New Moon is a reset for my body. I move best with regular rhythms in life - like a good drumbeat I can dance and shake my hips to. Rebalancing for me right now means cleaning up. Getting present. Clearing out. Tending to the mundane matters in life. Diet, sleep, exercise, deep breathing. Pure, simple, streamlined, organized. After a long trip, I unpack my bags and put things in their proper place. I am ready to focus on healing. There are some old beliefs and ways of seeing the world that have left me restless. I narrow my focus on the here and now, knowing that the smallest steps eventually lead to the biggest transformations.
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Gemini: I am a new Sun.
We are made of stars. We are filled with light. That light is visible. It is palpable. It pours from our hearts. I choose to express myself. I will never shrink back from my own light. I focus on my light and watch it get brighter. I savor the sensations of heart-flames setting the world ablaze. I take joy in the ways I long to create. Over and over, I choose to embolden the unique shade of my luminescence. The hue of my phosphorescence. I am an artist, and life is the canvas and the medium with which I play. I am creating the life I love. “There’s nothing new under the sun, but there are new suns.” Octavia Butler
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Cancer: I make sanctuary.
Balance can never truly exist if the foundation is faulty. Safety starts at home. Security originates within myself. This Moon is an invitation to anchor the feeling of knowing that when I care for myself, I am safe. I tend my roots. I nourish and feed my inner life. Hands on my belly, I listen to the song deep inside myself. I make peace with my past, and bring the fruits of that lovely work into the home and family that are my own creations. I take this time to make my environment feel more like my home. And to be at home within myself. I belong to myself.
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Leo: I sing out.
“If you want to sing out, sing out. And, if you want to be free, be free. Cause there’s a million ways to be, you know that there are.” Cat Stevens
I use my mind to make beauty. I use my voice to share appealing ideas. Whether writing, speaking, or just commiserating, balance comes now through the power of words. I make a point to chat with my neighbors on this New Moon. Exchanging thoughts is putting things into perspective for me. I have a craving to learn, and I’m exploring my options. I am ready to gather new skills or hone the one’s I’ve had all along. This way, my gifts can go further.
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Virgo: I am an asset.
This Moon begins a new cycle of focus on my talents, resources, and money matters. If I’m going to invest in anything, it should be myself. I am worthy. I am valuable. I invest my time and energy in such a way that my life reflects the simple truth that I am an asset. On this Moon, peace comes when I balance what I already have. Peace comes when I increase my value. When I come into right relationship with my resources, I heal inherited weaknesses. If I have any questions about what I’m worth and what I have to offer, I look to community members to reflect me and fill in the blanks. My talents are priceless.
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Libra: New Moon, New Me
This Moon has me looking in the mirror. I am often used to cooperating with others. Today I set the intention to cooperate with myself first. I look in the mirror and make myself a promise. That I will be my best friend. That I will always be there, that I will always be fair, and that I will always listen to what I know in my bones. I promise to be firmly self-honoring and self-loving. To love myself is the best example I can set for others. I depart from pains of the past that have kept me from being fully honest with myself. I know that every ounce of my own power lies within; and I divest from external attachments that falsely attempt to remove me from my power. I am my own rock. I move from a sturdy, unshakeable place within.
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Scorpio: I release.
This New Moon marks a month of closure for me. September is always a month of solar completion in my life. It’s a time to take pause and catch my breath. A time to move a little slower or coast - putting the car in cruise control instead of controlling the gas. Right now, balance means rest. Balance means letting go. Balance means letting things be whatever they will. Balance means forgiveness. There is still much work to be done, as I am on a path of upward growth and expansion. But healing means stepping back. Healing means catching cat naps between study sessions. Healing means letting my mind rest. I recuperate and refuel now because next month, I’ll be reborn again...
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Sagittarius: I bring the future alive.
This New Moon is forward-focused. I place my sight on my hopes, dreams, aspirations, and the visions I have for humanity. Peace means resting into my own authenticity and trusting that when I am true to myself, I can help the world change. Balance means energizing my gifts. It means noticing what makes me unique and special - and weaving together with people who help me live into those special qualities I possess. I can’t do it alone. I am calling in a vibrant web of connection to help me actualize my potential. Breathing life into the future means letting go of what I think I know. Stepping into the heights and depths of mystery can be healing.
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Capricorn: I aspire to climb higher.
This New Moon begins a new cycle (one month cycle, six-month cycle, and year-long cycle) of professional achievement, career, and contributing to society. I can see and be seen. I have been doing a lot of work on myself this year. As a result, I can feel something bigger coming. I am confident that I have metamorphosized. While the transformation is not yet totally complete, it is palpable and sure. I am not the same person I was at the start of 2019 - and I’ll never go back. I have let go of who I thought I was and now I’m coming into integrity with my wisdom. I am architecting my true self - living into who I really came here to be. I am defining my lane; crystallizing my real zone of expertise. This is my calling. I am growing towards it. It is an honor.
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Aquarius: I am the journey.
What brings me peace right now is: adventure. Taking journeys. The wilderness. Nature. The wilds on the outside of me are painting a clearer picture of the wilds I’ve been traversing on the innermost recesses of my psyche. The wilds help me see all the layers of myself. The wilds help me go deeper and get freer. Balance is stepping out of routine and into ceremony. Balance is taking the trail I’ve never seen before. Balance is getting my passport stamped and away we go. The things I’m learning as I traverse landscapes of experience are ineffable. I fold them into my spirit and ask nothing of them. Knowing that like plants, they speak their own symbolic language to nourish and heal whomever they meet.
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Pisces: I am powerfully honest.
There are people I feel close to even when we’re far away. There are people I feel distant from even when we’re together. What does it mean to weigh the distance between hearts? This Moon desires a sharing of depths. It is a Moon of self-investigation. Honesty, authenticity, intimacy, commitment, deep togetherness, passion, numbness, intense feeling - these are the areas I am researching. On this Moon, peace means letting down my defenses and welcoming the darker-tuned shadows to grace my worlds. It means realizing that intimacy with others stems from being close to myself. Peace means hiding nothing, and welcoming the results.
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