Full Moon in Sagittarius

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 17, 2019 (4:30am) is a stretch. A growth spurt, a developmental leap.

A room with a view. An expanse of possibility and potential.

The endless ceiling. We are the star-dusted subjects of this vast illuminated darkness.

Turn your attention to the sky. Feel the air, the emptiness, the ethers spreading out and up to infinity and beyond.

Reach for what you’re growing towards. Reach for whatever’s watching over us. The great cosmos and its overtures. Ancient light of time immemorial.

Great room for our branches.

Keep growing.

This Full Moon leads to Eclipse Season.

Connect with star-curious kin-folk for a guided journey through July’s eclipses in our We are the Seeds live online course. Or, for a self-guided journey through eclipse season, learn more here.

Wayfinding Moon. Traveler’s Moon. Moon of Wilds. Storytelling Moon. Moon to Shout from Rooftops. Antennae Moon. Moon of Feelers. Moon of invisible telephones. Moon of reverse freedom. Twinkling Moon. Moon of multi-colored space suits. Moon of misplaced faith. Labyrinth Moon. Moon of intergalactic contact. Craving Moon. Moon of boundless seas. Full-Spectrum Moon. Moon of Opposing Opinions. Moon of Lessons-Still-Learning.

A Moon of Meeting Obstacles and Moving Through.

These are sensitive times. Honor your emotions and instincts - they are a form of intelligence. Ghosts from the past are re-emerging. There are many lessons to be learned.

Stay open and perceptive, as new realms of realization and understanding await your grasp.

Past never stays past. Family and childhood issues are heightened now through mid-August. Embrace it. Turn towards discomfort.

People are on opposite ends of the spectrum. When you are extended between extremes, expand to hold more. These are the sensations of being stretched beyond your comfort zone. Stay with the trouble, and listen deep.

You can do this. You can be held through this.

Don’t go running too far too fast. Don’t abandon yourself or others. Slow down. Stay here. Breathe and focus. Honor the commitments you’ve made. Remember what you want. Hold each other’s hands. We can get through it together.

This is a time to work with fear.

To come to a growth edge, and feel into the possibility of moving beyond it into unexplored horizons.

To see clearly where we are guarded and defended.

It is a time to be honest. To use our time well. To be open to learning and seeing more of the whole picture.

Name your vulnerabilities.

What are you afraid of? What are you reacting to? Where are you feeling blocked?

What are you needing? Is there a more mature way to respond to this situation?

Obstacles are misplaced boundaries.

Fragility points to a need for greater integrity and accountability.

This Moon invites us to become more trustworthy people to ourselves and each other. Not to evade or avoid truth. Not to numb ourselves or put up tall walls of defense, but to learn how to come into mutual care.

Transform walls into clear boundaries. A skeleton of personal integrity. Boundaries that have the support of your voice and actions. Boundaries don’t need to be invented - they already exist. Become more sensitive to notice where your natural boundary is. Affirm your boundaries. Protect them. This is how you teach people how to care for you.

We can remedy harm. Healing won’t come through a mental process of figuring it out. It will come through togetherness. Emotional connection. Shared understanding. Telling the truth. Hearing all the stories, and feeling whatever we feel.

We risk so much in connection. But if we fail to reach for each other, we risk everything, including life itself.

The risks we take now will have lasting rewards.

Let’s come home to ourselves and each other. Let’s remember our Earth as a safe place to belong.

For further support and insight throughout this eclipse season, register for my upcoming live eclipse circles. This offering includes a private community forum. Register here.

For a self-guided journey through eclipse season, learn more here.

Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Sagittarius.

You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.

Read Full Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below

Aries: I trust myself.

I am in a season of learning, traveling, and spreading my wings - prior to settling with purpose. I have faith that I am headed where I need to go. Before leaping forward, I spend time feeling what I need to feel. I honor that my emotions and instincts are an essential part of my inner guidance system. I trust that delays and obstacles arising now are paving a path and pointing me in the right direction. I speak for myself and my family. I speak from my gut. I make myself more trustworthy.

Taurus: I embrace transformation.

I am shedding. Taking risks I never knew I could take. Gazing straight into the obsidian mirror of mystery. I pause to feel myself. All of myself - particularly the parts I cannot clearly see. This moon is about developing intimacy. I am in dialogue, honoring the intensity of my feelings. I may not have all the information yet. It will take some time to integrate everything stirring and coming up. I take stock of every signal, and proceed with patience and clarity about my truth.

Gemini: I grow through honest connection.

As I begin a new cycle of self, relationships must change to match. I am seeing the ways I habitually sell myself short or overextend for others. I am realizing that when I move beyond my boundaries, I am not the only one who gets hurt. My partnerships are pointing my way and offering possibilities for expansion. We can truth-tell to each other. I ask for what I need. I remain honest. I own my mistakes. I trust that these steps will lead to greater balance in my life.

Cancer: I am cleaning up my life.

I speak only for myself. I trust the insights I’ve been receiving. When I commit to caring for myself first, my innate boundaries become clear. Boundaries are essential to my wellness. I stand up for myself, as I am my own protector, and my health is a priority (physical, mental, and emotional). Time is valuable. So much of my time is absorbed by my habits. I take a look at my habitual behaviors and choose where to implement improvements so I can meet my needs.

Leo: I share my heart.

I seek to know my true self. Not just the shiny persona I project into the world, but the parts of self that are hidden, even to me. The parts of me that are scared. The parts of me that are controlling and avoidant. I re-examine my expectations of myself and others. I can ease off the stress and find more pleasure. I am allowed to relax. I can connect to my heart and my humble humanity. With my heart’s guidance, I can find creative and real solutions to every problem.

Virgo: I honor my feelings.

I am ready to be honest about how I feel. I have been keeping myself busy as of late, responding to many of life’s demands. Sometimes I am able to avoid the strange sensations stirring within me. But right now, I am listening to those sensations, and learning to trust them. If I share from my heart, I can weave connection in places where I feel most distant. I have been wavering between over-reacting and keeping my cool. The truth is, I just want to have fun. I commit to being brave and making each day awesome.

Libra: I say it loud and clear.

“If you want to sing out, sing out. If you want to be free, be free.” (Cat Stevens) This Moon wants to hear from you, Libra. Say it, speak it, write it, post it. Learn, teach, communicate, send the message. Play with language. Organize your thoughts. It’s a good way to sift through overwhelm; much of it coming up in the realms of home and family. This Moon has you busy, moving through your locale. Connect with neighbors and soul siblings. Use the power of word to help move through old hurts and emotions that arise.

Scorpio: I trust fortune.

This Moon highlights chance, luck, and fate. It illuminates my riches and the parts of life I value most. I take in abundance. I place myself in the realm of possibilities. I recognize that I have great power, and I aim to guard it wisely. Not everyone can know what I know, and that’s okay. The memories of those like me (wisdom-keepers) being persecuted still live in my bones. I safeguard my knowledge, lean into my instincts, and nurture my growth.

Sagittarius: I live into the most vast version of myself.

My energy is sacred. I choose to be careful with my time, my focus, and my belief systems. Important matters are arising, and I am heeding them. Facing them head on instead of being reckless or running away. Money matters, shared resources, and inheritance are giving me pause and re-directing my course. I accept delays as invitations to thoroughly consider my investments and most intimate details. I choose to move past outworn limiting beliefs so I can stretch into my full potential.

Capricorn: I choose forgiveness.

This Moon allows me to see things that are usually invisible. I open my eyes, and choose to let go. I can be cleansed by this energy. I surrender to it, and find empathy for myself and others. Relationships are challenging. Lately, they have been pushing my every edge - teaching me to look closer at myself, accept more responsibility, and set the boundaries I need to stay well. I realize that emotions from my past seep in and influence the present. I embrace quiet reflection to understand this more completely.

Aquarius: I find my people.

My people are the ones who show up for me. The ones who help me out, who are on my team, who offer me tangible support. I notice who is here for me and entrust myself to those relationships. My people are the ones with whom I can fully express my gifts and share abundance. I am not afraid to ask for help. I make myself available to receive the healing I need, and notice all the friends - people, plants, stones, animals - who are surrounding me, offering me medicine.

Pisces: I am seen.

This Moon shines bright in my house of the public, vocation, and professional accomplishment. I enjoy the opportunity to be recognized. I take stock of the goals I’ve been able to meet, and sense into the journey ahead. My path is changing. The web that holds me (the people I surround myself with) is morphing to accommodate new roles that serve my deeper truth. I aim to strike a sweet combination between pleasure and responsibility.