New Moon in Capricorn

The New Moon in Capricorn on January 2, 2021 (at 13:33EST) is a crystal cavern.

Stones, bones, and treasures hidden in the depths.

Stars in the dark of Night. Gems in the unseen unders of Earth.

Billions of them; points of light.

Dig and polish through the dull to find the gleam.

Ceaseless waters flow underground. These buried veins contain the realest of dreams. Tap in.

This is a Moon of Maturity.

A moment to compost the old to build the new.

Digestion is imperative.

If you haven’t yet taken the time to properly revere the conclusion of a calendar year, this Moon is an ideal instant to honor the ending that makes a new beginning.

You have journeyed far. Look back from whence you came. Be reverent towards the realities and results.

What happened in 2021?

What did you live into? What mountain did you climb, or descend down from?

What were the milestones and the major themes you inhabited?

What were the difficulties? The gifts? The failures? The gains?

Where did you get wiser? What did you shed?

How did this stretch of time shift your consciousness? How have you been changed by this chapter of your life?

For me, 2021 was an alchemical forge of shamanic dismemberment. As I review my year, I am struck by the fortitude and resilience the times have required.

The urgent complexity of crisis, continuously shifting conditions and timelines, and the climate of my own ongoing suffering have been intense to bear.

I feel so much pride as this calendar year closes. I recognize my dedication and unwavering commitment to resilience.

It is only in this last couple of weeks that I’ve begun to feel inklings of the fruits of my labor. While my clearest life desires are not yet reflected in the material world, I am tasting a difference where it matters most - in the private inner realm of my own psyche.

Rather than self-mesmerize in fantasies of a life I don’t have to disassociate from, I have begun the hard work of earning that life. Building it from the embers of this wreckage.

I’ve been confronting myself. Dismantling my resistance to living the life I’ve been given. Utilizing the raw material available to me.

As my phobias echoed around me, their power over my experience greatly diminished. The fear spell of attempting to manage and direct outcomes is dissipating. The trance of paralyzing indecision is broken.

A deeper dream awakes. This dream isn’t mine. It’s Earth’s.

Uncontrollable. And as real as the blood in my own veins.

I surrender to the longings I belong to. I invite these dreams to flow up from the Earth through my own nooks and crannies. I saturate in the immortal mystery, taking it into my being, and trusting these pathless lands.

I don’t have the words for all that is changing. This current cave is a sanctum. I take refuge in this crevice, the winds blowing beyond me, feeling the security in precariousness as we hang upon the precipice of a whole different dynamic.

The unknowable is alive.

The ungovernable is eternal.

I was born for this change. I am one with it. I am it.

As you reflect on your own journey through 2021,

What do you recognize yourself for? Give yourself credit, respect, and celebration wherever it’s due.

What would you reveal or admit to? Name the patterns you’re willing to end. The residue you’ll clear. The baggage you’ll offload before continuing onward.

What resources got you through the year? Acknowledge the supportive influences that held you and provided comfort or sustenance along the way.

We made it, y’all. We’re here. And we have the power to be even more here and more real.

When you feel the dreams that flow in the groundwaters beneath your feet and inside Earth’s flesh, what emerges in your awareness? What are the simple, subtle essences of the deeper instincts, the bigger dreams, the brighter lights poised to be born in the coming times?

The pulse I feel for 2022 is: THRIVING.

May that which is REAL and TRUE and INNATE take root, come center, and THRIVE in my own being and in the world-at-large.

Bless it.

To my readers;

I have been writing bi-monthly Moon Reports with dedicated passion since 2016! It has been an incredible discipline and creative practice that has honed my skills as an astrologer-channel-linguist. As I prepare to birth my second child, I am discontinuing the Moon writings after January 2022’s Full Moon. I know so many of you have savored these writings, and it’s been incredibly gratifying and supportive to have your readership. To anyone who has tuned in and engaged, I express my deep thanks and appreciation for the generosity of your attention, your time, and your financial contributions.

I genuinely do not know what lies ahead in terms of my work and the shape of my life in general. And I am exquisitely excited to discover what unfolds when I let go of these familiar rituals and hold the gates open for new life.

I do not know if the Moon Reports will return in the future. My creative thirst is unquenchable, and these inner waters are ready to runneth over into unexplored chambers. I look forward to receding from view, getting closer to the essence of what needs tending, and re-emerging when the time is right.

Let’s find each other again in the wilds of our futures,

wizen moon. cold moon. moon of crystalline maturity. groundwater moon. bone moon. moon of belabored fruits. dig moon. polish moon. moon to compost the old & build the new. failure moon. endurance moon. moon for recognition & respect. milestone moon. outcome moon. moon for reverence towards results. resistance moon. reality moon. moon to acknowledge ongoing becoming. precipice moon. proof moon. moon of sod & sanctum. 

Title Image Credit: Daniel Burka

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Embody Astrology to Learn and Heal.

Both the Sun and Moon are in Capricorn. Enjoy these movement rituals, complete with workbook and journaling prompts, to understand and integrate the medicine of the moment.

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Read New Moon Affirmations for your Sun, Rising, and Moon Signs Below

Aries: What am I doing if not making my dreams a reality? Former goals die to be reborn as relevant current intentions. I recommit to building a future that fulfills my real potential & leaves an inspiring mark upon the world.

Prepare for the Astrology of 2022 with the annual Cosmic Calendar & Astrological Forecast, with individual readings for your signs. The deadline to order the printed calendar is February 4! Get all the details.

Taurus: I’ve no longer any use for views that don’t fortify my faith in life. I trust life. I trust my path. Opportunities exist where I’m willing to seek them. I believe in my own expansion, and  this supports my capacity to grow.

Prepare for the Astrology of 2022 with the annual Cosmic Calendar & Astrological Forecast, with individual readings for your signs. The deadline to order the printed calendar is February 4! Get all the details.

Gemini: I respect the mystery. I honor the progress I have made that is hidden to everyone except myself. I deeply value how my own inner work has set the stage for whatever will come next. I don’t need to know what is coming. For now, it is enough to bless these depths.

Prepare for the Astrology of 2022 with the annual Cosmic Calendar & Astrological Forecast, with individual readings for your signs. The deadline to order the printed calendar is February 4! Get all the details.

Cancer: I commit to relationships that feed me, connect me, & take me higher. Leaving the familiar behind is necessary for discovering the field of dreams that awaits. A spiritual adventure is calling to me, & I am saying YES.

Prepare for the Astrology of 2022 with the annual Cosmic Calendar & Astrological Forecast, with individual readings for your signs. The deadline to order the printed calendar is February 4! Get all the details.

Leo: I compost a lifestyle comprised of rituals that have become so repetitive they have lost their lustre. I call forth habits that bring me real health. New ways of working & serving await me. I clear a path for them to actualize in earnest. 

Prepare for the Astrology of 2022 with the annual Cosmic Calendar & Astrological Forecast, with individual readings for your signs. The deadline to order the printed calendar is February 4! Get all the details.

Virgo: Bring me back to life! Play is essential. Joy is necessary. I will be uncompromising in my commitment to living from my heart. I know the life I genuinely love is the one I’m meant to live. I let my creative spirit rekindle.

Prepare for the Astrology of 2022 with the annual Cosmic Calendar & Astrological Forecast, with individual readings for your signs. The deadline to order the printed calendar is February 4! Get all the details.

Libra: Take me back to the roots. As a new year begins, I rest into the basic foundations that support & hold me. There is ground beneath my feet. I belong here. I belong to myself, & to this planet. The wisdom I carry is ancient.

Prepare for the Astrology of 2022 with the annual Cosmic Calendar & Astrological Forecast, with individual readings for your signs. The deadline to order the printed calendar is February 4! Get all the details.

Scorpio: I commit to listening & learning. I direct the magic wands of my voice & mind with intention, knowing that word is sound is power, & the vibrations I utter give birth to reality. I have full faith in my creative capacity.

Prepare for the Astrology of 2022 with the annual Cosmic Calendar & Astrological Forecast, with individual readings for your signs. The deadline to order the printed calendar is February 4! Get all the details.

Sagittarius: As previous forms of worth fall away, I become more committed to my most important values. I invest my time & energy in what my soul knows is most precious. The non-essential can simply fall away. 

Prepare for the Astrology of 2022 with the annual Cosmic Calendar & Astrological Forecast, with individual readings for your signs. The deadline to order the printed calendar is February 4! Get all the details.

Capricorn: New Moon, New Me. Every death is a rebirth. I honor the elasticity of my bones as I transform again to preserve & uphold what is important. I cherish myself as real. Honesty carries immeasurable rewards. 

Prepare for the Astrology of 2022 with the annual Cosmic Calendar & Astrological Forecast, with individual readings for your signs. The deadline to order the printed calendar is February 4! Get all the details.

Aquarius: Endings are beautiful. Completion is sacred. Rest is deserved. I welcome this calendar reset as the turning of a new page in my life. A time to restore & reorient. The self-knowledge I’ve gained this year was well-earned.

Prepare for the Astrology of 2022 with the annual Cosmic Calendar & Astrological Forecast, with individual readings for your signs. The deadline to order the printed calendar is February 4! Get all the details.

Pisces: I commit to the connections that stood up to the test & proved themselves to be real. I compost the burdens of the collective with ease & embody the seeds of a more radically united future. A dream awakes in me. More than the dreamer - I am the living dream.

Prepare for the Astrology of 2022 with the annual Cosmic Calendar & Astrological Forecast, with individual readings for your signs. The deadline to order the printed calendar is February 4! Get all the details.