The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 24, 2021 (at 14:40EST) reminds us of the importance of nestling.
nestle (v.)
to settle snugly and comfortably.
to lie in a sheltered position.
to draw or press close, as in affection; snuggle.
The last several weeks have been busy, restless, and changeful.
Between eclipses on May 26 and June 10, Mercury Retrograde since May 30, and the frictional tension between Saturn and Uranus, we could use some soothing soul food.
(PS, though Mercury is now direct, the messenger planet continues to square foggy Neptune until July 6. Clarity will eventually come. In the meantime, keep gathering information and distilling the dream.)
About the Summer Solstice
Listen to the free podcast on the astrology of the current solstice.
The June 20 Solstice saw the movement of the Sun into Cancer, initiating a season of care.
To care is to cling. To be pulled by the tides of feeling. To crave emotional bonding and belonging-to.
Caring is consuming. Caring is hungry and fed. Cancer is the Mother archetype. It rules the belly and breasts. Curvaceous. Comforting. Life-sustaining.
The etymology of ‘care’ is telling. The word connotes inward grief, concern, and anxiety. To care is to heed something’s safety and protection. Can this quality of regard ever come without a kind of inward grief?
To be sensitive is to feel moods, changes, and reactions to your environment. To be sensitive is to harbor an instinctive response to fulfill the needs of what you hold most dear. Be extra attuned to your emotions this month, as they point to innate intuitions.
Feel. Quite possibly, the stores of insight contained within feeling extend far beyond what thinking can offer.
What needs your care?
What are you hungry for?
What, or to whom, do you belong to?
The Sun in Cancer highlights the urgent biological needs.
Water. Food. Shelter.
Safety. Nourishment. Support.
This month is a walk down memory lane. Themes of home, family, and origins arise in importance.
Awareness of the innocent and vulnerable. The precious young ones, inside and out. We are all forever children, carrying pain and the balm to heal.
Our solar spotlight illuminates the needs that are most ripe for tending.
To tend is to be tender.
To be tender is to be soft, listening, and loving.
To be tender is to be sore, sensitive, or young.
You are right where you need to be. Be present and totally responsive to your current stage of development.
The lunation that corresponds to this one was the Capricorn New Moon on January 13, 2021.
What seeds were planted then, and how have they grown?
What needs support and nourishment now?
What emotions are stirred in you as you reflect on this?
Hold space for the feelings.
Under a Capricorn Full Moon, the predominant feelings can center around lack. Gravity. Time pressure.
There may be feelings of failure, limitation, or deprivation. You may encounter longings for stability and success. Reassess goals and boundaries to get on track.
Take note of what needs structure, what needs holding, what needs your responsible commitment.
Recognize the work that has been done so far. Confirm how much farther you have to go. Take the reins.
Sometimes the past offers support and tradition to draw from. Other times, the impacts of our history can inhibit progress. Remember; resistance is fertile. Locate the places that feel weak. Feed them broth. Fortify them.
It is possible to live with purpose and feeling. This requires emotional maturity.
Like an anchor, let rigidity serve softness.
Integrity creates yield. Alignment promotes comfort.
Prepare to manifest real self-support.
nestle moon. hatch moon. moon of breast & belly. tender moon. tending moon. moon of blood & bones. parents moon. past moon. moon down memory lane. hungry moon. soul food moon. moon of urgent needs. shelter moon. skeleton moon. moon of history & safe harbor. container moon. root moon. moon for emotional maturity. holding moon. broth moon. moon of care & cure. take the reins moon. fertile resistance moon. persist, moon. moon of consistent flow. moon on down the river.
Title Image Credit: 42 North via Unsplash
Embody Astrology to Learn and Heal.
When the Moon is Full in Capricorn, the Sun is in Cancer. Enjoy these movement rituals, complete with workbook and journaling prompts, to understand and integrate the medicine of the moment.
Jupiter in Pisces
Learn all about this transit, which lasts until 2022, in Jupiter in Pisces: The Dreaming Sea.
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