New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 4, 2021 is thrilling.

Electric cauldron Moon of potent urges and deep changes.

Alarms. Surprises. Shocking sudden Deliverance.

Moon of OH-so-much Sensation.

Be in your body. Stay with the evolving. Shed skin to be reborn.

This Moon marks our embarking into Eclipse Season. The second-annual portal of accelerated change (the last one being late May-mid-June 2021).

What’s underneath all those leaves when they fall and descend to meld into the flesh of the Earth? Ghosts and Essence and Epigenetic memory and the Underworld. 

These are times when life strips us bare. When we touch the glossy, dripping shadows of ourselves as moved by an unseen force.

When we bear our own nakedness - naked even to our own psyches. Catching a glimpse of our blindspots through the corners of our eyes.

Gooseflesh. Raw and tingling in the cold breeze.

“It’s hard to want change when everything feels so unstable.”

But my darling, Change we must. Whether or not we want it. Our survival depends upon it.

Some even say that ‘Change is God’ (Octavia Butler).

Reviving the deep past and building the future are options, but remaining the same is pungent with rot.

Break away. Release yourself into the Dance with Change. Unhook from the inner garments that have kept you in quicksand. Bust through the vestiges of fear.

Departing from the familiar is erotic. Cathartic. Encompassing.

So. Freaking. Freeing.

Risk dying. Risk being alive. Keep following the magnetic vortex into that which can never be known.

No way to sugar-coat it, the astrology of November 2021 is a RIDE. It moves. It slaps. Pull your coat close as the winds whip ‘round.

November 5, Mercury joins Mars in Scorpio. The heat is on. Snap decisions and fierce words ensue as the potion bubbles and boils on high. 

Buried emotions surface. Feelings are primal and extreme. Take a flashlight with you into these tunnels.

Also on November 5, Venus enters Capricorn, getting real about resources and practicalities. A lengthy season of austerity, sincerity, and commitment approaches as Venus remains in Capricorn until March 2022. Prioritize investing in essentials and preserving what matters.

Frustration builds until November 10 as Saturn in Aquarius tempers the velocity or tries to maintain control. Radical honesty is a key to moving forward wisely.

November 13 investigations lead to new information when Mercury opposes Uranus. Listen to what’s being revealed. It is strange but true.

November 17 could be the day you shift course and do something different. It’s messy. It’s unexpected. None could have predicted it. Disruption and chaos blast open new pathways under this combustive transit. Free yourself into a higher dimension of existence.

And that’s not all. The coming Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse…

Stay tuned.


I am pregnant with my second child.

2021 has been a massive acceleration period on every foundational level of my life. The pressures to embrace change and create a new world are immense and compelling.

My offerings in 2022 will be streamlined to support the birth and welcoming of our new baby.

Next year, I commit to offering about ⅓ the amount of readings as I normally do. There are currently 160+ people on my waitlist for a session. Reserve your session NOW, as they will sell out in no time.

Know you want an intuitive astrology reading or mentorship session with me in 2022?

reboot moon. thriller moon. moon of alarms & surprises. hallucinatory moon. electric cauldron moon. moon of glinting, brooding treasures. shockwave moon. deliverance moon. moonquake from the nether regions. sensational moon. raw & tingling moon. moon to be with the evolving. gooseflesh moon. unstable moon. moon of glossy, dripping shadows. breakaway moon. moon of revival & survival. moon to move into magnetic vortex of cellular mystery.

Title Image Credit: Jeremy Thomas

Portrait Photographer: Dania Trejo @datrejom

Feel it More. Embody Astrology to Learn and Heal.

Both the Sun and the Moon are in Scorpio. Enjoy this movement ritual, complete with workbook and journaling prompts, to understand and integrate the medicine of the moment.


Sky Scholar 2022 Waitlist is Open!

Sky Scholar 2021 is sold out; both cohorts are filled to the brim with radiant souls! We are so grateful to the 60 students who are enrolled and journeying with us on this 6-month journey into the craft of Intuitive Astrology.

Due to high demand, my schedule is currently closed for readings. Join my mailing list to stay up-to-date on future unfoldings and opportunities to work together.

Follow me on Instagram here.

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Read New Moon Affirmations for your Sun, Rising, and Moon Signs Below

Aries: If the choice is between the unknown and the familiar, I choose the unknown. I’d rather be raw than comfortable. Freeing up my attachments to resources allows me to connect on deeper levels. I focus on sharing exclusively with those who are honest.

Taurus: I am open to fresh starts in relationships. Disrupting deep-rooted patterns requires dedication, patience, & random miracles to take effect. I honor the ways truth is setting me free. Embodying authenticity makes a difference. I’m committed to it.

Gemini: Curveballs can’t be predicted, but they can be handled cleanly. When there is chaos, I get organized. Clear out clutter. Establish rhythm. New ways of working & structuring my lifestyle allow for simplicity. When anxiety arises, I practice trust in life.

Cancer: Bring me to life. Living on the edge isn’t comfortable or safe, but it inspires creativity. I take a walk on the wild side. Self-expression is a risk I’m willing to take. I play with innovation, collaboration, & sharing in the excitement of uncertainty. 

Leo: My roots are deep. This Moon begins a new cycle concerning home, family, security, & support. A different direction is needed in response to the input coming in from important partners & allies. I summon the courage to feel, breathe, & change.

Virgo: I embrace motion & momentum. A Moon to embody the fool archetype; not-knowing, hungry to learn & gain experience. My curiosity opens me to opportunities. Starting conversations around new perspectives is giving me life.

Libra: I agree to be awake to the true dynamics affecting my ability to give & receive. Disruptions to cycles of debt or entangled resources offer an opportunity to deepen my personal financial empowerment. Am I really willing to receive what I deserve?

Scorpio: New Moon, New Me. My desires matter. Inner security arises when I am honest & true to myself. I give myself full permission to experiment with alternative modes of partnership & relating. I am ready for new levels of depth & autonomy.

Sagittarius: I rest into the present moment. Imagining that for now, there is nothing more to do but let go. This Moon marks a cycle of completion. I take a backseat to the chaotic forces of transition. For the time being, dreaming is a necessary step.

Capricorn: Creative potential is ripe, but questions remain. Will we join forces? Are we willing to band together, share resources, & co-create the world of our deepest longing? I won’t be building alone. The future is made of moments like this.

Aquarius: Instability at home won’t stop me from reaching for higher heights. Keeping a flexible root helps me to anchor more honestly into my future self. I tune into the longterm goals & aspirations that twinkle to me even when it’s dark.

Pisces: I go down the rabbit hole. I’m asking why & what it all means. I don’t know the answers, but I’m willing & able to pursue a quest to discover where my inquiries lead. Deep research brings me perspective that further hones & clarifies my intuitive gifts.

Want to delve deeper?
Claim your spot to receive a reading from Virginia in 2022.