Full Moon in Aries

The Full Moon in Aries on October 20, 2021 (at 10:57EST) is a bonfire. Strike a match.

A thrill of a Moon. Game on. Go for the gold.

Come on baby, light my fire.

Both lunations in October feature Mars, planet of action, speed, and aggression. Mars assists us in severing from what isn’t meant for us, and wielding our bravery to move forward into new beginnings.

A spark has been lit. Something is getting started. An initiation has already begun.

This month has been animated with accelerated movement and momentum.

Separation and connection. Disagreement and harmony. Missteps and reconciliation.

The question is, what are we going to do next?

What do we really want? Are you willing to receive what you want?

Can we trust and believe that what we desire is possible to achieve - and that somebody out there wants it, too?

What is the vision for our upcoming adventure?

The vision is given to those with eyes to see it, and with the spiritual valor to carry it forth. 

Welcome in divine assistance! These are mapless lands, but many sources will step in to advise along the way.

This Full Moon illuminates the tension between self and other. The dynamic struggle and high art of meeting in the middle, relating, and cooperating. The striving for peace, union, and beauty.

Pluto in Capricorn heavily informs the energy of this lunation.

The underbelly of the old manifest paradigm still clings to and manipulates our behaviors.

We wade in the swamp of shadow and treasure that is the ruin of empire.

As we face the dregs of ongoing endings and promises of dearth, we excavate fears and unearth the courage to strive beyond the barren field of famine.

There are forces far bigger, older, and more compelling than dominion and false power.

The bones, the stones, the dragons in the mountains. The sincerity of deepest impulse. The regular folk woven together by the codes inscribed on their souls. The clouds of birds carrying seeds in their mouths. And the love that is consciousness, inspiring those seeds to grow.

We are the shining ones rising in this night. We are re-forged in this alchemical fire as the lovers and as the torches who make it possible for life to continue.

This unstoppable strength has always lived within us. Conditions coax it and welcome it now to give rise to itself.

These seeds, these visions are for all of us. They are what living existence is honestly made of.

Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn are now all direct, giving us a green light on forward motion.

Mercury retrograde in Libra September 27-October 18 has had us revisit relationships, and review agreements in a charged and divisive climate of indecision, judgement, and misunderstanding. Sometimes we can’t all get along and things get personal.

Since Mercury is now direct, we can access more clarity and soundness of mind in our relationships and contracts.

Libra is not the most decisive placement for Mercury. But it is great at weighing options, gathering advice, mediating differences, and relating with fairness and diplomacy.

Head’s up: Mercury will clear its retrograde shadow on November 3, but not without a final stress encounter with Pluto on November 2. Some of the mental and emotional intensity that surfaced September 27-October 4 can re-activate as more information comes out of the woodwork.

We have officially entered the final phase of Jupiter in Aquarius, a period of expansion that began December 19, 2020 and will complete December 29, 2021.

How have you grown since Jupiter entered Aquarius December 19, 2020? What have you been exploring during that time?

What are some leaps and bounds in consciousness that have resulted from the questions you have been asking and living into?

For the next 10 weeks, we will be completing the outstanding lessons of Jupiter in Aquarius. Reflect on the period of March 26, 2021 until May 12, 2021, as Jupiter already moved through this area of the zodiac earlier in the year.

Saturn in Aquarius continues to place pressure on the growth process of Jupiter until Jupiter changes signs at the end of 2021.

The accomplishments we make over the next couple of months on collaborating, rebelling, freeing ourselves, and restructuring society, will be hard-earned.

For now, enjoy the ride of this sweet and spicy Full Moon. Unearth your most honest desires and have the guts and the temperance to move them forward.

As always, the power of love is All.

spark moon. light it up moon. moon to get your game on. thrill moon. bonfire moon. moon to go for the gold. martial arts moon. tango dance moon. moon to be in motion. argumentative moon. power struggle moon. moon of making peace. separate moon. reconnect moon. moon like a lover. moon like a torch. moon to sever & restart. wanting moon. deepest desires moon. moon of opening to receive & be met. green light moon. moon of excavated strength & courage, unearthed.

Title Image Credit: Siim Lukka

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Embody Astrology to Learn and Heal.

When the Moon is Full in Aries, the Sun is in Libra. Enjoy these movement rituals, complete with workbook and journaling prompts, to understand and integrate the medicine of the moment.

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Read Full Moon Affirmations for your Sun, Rising, and Moon Signs Below

Aries: I go first & light the way with my spark. As I lead, I look for chances to connect with partners & collaborate with allies. Power is something to be shared.

Taurus: The more I let go & release, the more order is restored. Something is coming to completion so that I can heal. I balance through rest & reorganization.

Gemini: Co-creation lights me up. Shared vision & collaboration can restore my faith in what’s possible. Hidden influences help me consider the depth of what’s here.

Cancer: My goals & aspirations burn bright. As relationships with others present pressing realities, I support myself by tuning in to my own needs & emotions.

Leo: I am open to wisdom & spiritual perspective. Curiosity & dialogue supports my process of continual relearning. I read between lines & study each fine detail before deciding.

Virgo: I light a candle in the darkness of the unknown. Intensity can bring us closer. Finding peace inside the depth of mystery allows for worthy investments to naturally ripen.

Libra: Relationships, ignite! I take the risk of sharing myself. Speaking my peace honestly boosts my creativity & helps me to overcome deeper issues of my past.

Scorpio: I clear the decks, tying up loose ends & tending to details. The next 2 weeks are for restoration. I practice the arts of being, sleeping, & dreaming.

Sagittarius: My creative flame is lit. I put the word out to my channels, as collaboration is key to crystallizing the future. If issues arise with resources, I listen deeper to my inner knowing.

Capricorn: A spark alights in home, family, & personal life. I can take charge of what matters most without getting tripped up by an old version of my own identity.

Aquarius: A learning curve ignites. Hot ideas mobilize interesting initiatives. So much to learn, so many connections to make - I move with eyes wide open prior to deciding.

Pisces: My honey pot sweetens. I am worthy of wealth in forms of relational equality & material security. I pay close attention to my tendencies to over-give to others.