Full Moon in Virgo

The Full Moon in Virgo on February 27, 2021 (at 03:17EST). Where fantasy meets reality.

Every year, the Virgo Full Moon rattles me. It’s a feeling like putting my ear close to a single string on an instrument. The string is overly loose, and when plucked, it beckons wildly in an off-note clanging resonance that pulses through my body mind.

This Moon illuminates what needs to be tuned.

It highlights the complicated. The hyper-sensitive. The emotional & physical conditions that often lead to anxiety /indigestion.

A Moon of illness & wellness.

This Moon requests subtle listening & exquisite care towards regulation.

Under these skies, which are like an expressionist painting, we are finding our way through the surreal to the real.

What methods & strokes will give form to this energy? What feelings are evoked?

Where are the lines between dreams, ideals, & delusions?

What life rhythms & containers will help us actualize our imaginings?

What are the next small steps that will move towards what I long for?

How shall I devote myself?

We are strung between problems & solutions.

Assisting & allowing.

Participating & escaping.

Accepting what is & longing for what could be.

This is a helping Moon.

A Moon to make improvements. 

A Moon to notice symptoms.

A Moon to rest, digest, yet also attend to the details that ensure processes will unfold in working order.

A Moon to get messy & clean.

All year in 2021, we are toggling between the past & the future. This dynamic friction leads to breakdown or breakthrough.

Remain attached to the systems of the past & you’ll be inhibited, drained of lifeforce.

Remain attached to the chaos of the future & you may jeopardize the stable & sustaining.

Follow the truest sense of the future, the one that anchors your creative authenticity & actualizes your devotion.

salt & sand moon. trickle through rocks moon. moon in illness & in health. devotion moon. moon to live a prayer. moon of dreams & details. well rhythms moon. moon to surrender to what helps. moon of illusion meets practicality. moon of the subtle & discerning senses. teacups moon. healing habits moon. moon of invisible anatomy. moon of rolling waves meets nuance. sweat moon. nibble moon. moon to process grief & longing. rest moon. digest moon. moon for swirling in the soup. dose moon. purify moon. moon to organize & cleanse. help yourself moon. moon of compassionate refinement. on this moon, acceptance is the fix.

Title Image Credit: Javardh

Embody Astrology to Learn and Heal.

When the Moon is Full in Virgo, the Sun is in Pisces. Enjoy these movement rituals, complete with workbook and journaling prompts, to understand and integrate the medicine of the moment.

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Read Full Moon Affirmations for your Sun, Rising, and Moon Signs Below

Aries: I devote time to accessible habits that heal me. When I am fully present, my future is clear.

Taurus: As I follow my joy, I become more connected. Expressing my truth leads me where I need to go.

Gemini: I clean house, tending to home and family. Securing my foundation provides for a new chapter of expansive growth.

Cancer: I speak my truth, opening my mind to possibilities and venturing into new depths of authentic connection.

Leo: I invest in what brings me - and us - more alive. I am devoted to developing shared dreams.

Virgo: I’m feeling myself. I appreciate my grounded sincerity. I welcome my loved ones to cherish me as I am.

Libra: I retreat from the world so I can cleanse from the inside out. Prayers + healing + surrender = creative rejuvenation.

Scorpio: I am so supported. The more I land in a space of belonging, the more connected I become.

Sagittarius: I clarify my calling. I seek to identify the ways my home base can nourish my life’s work.

Capricorn: Adventure is calling me. Faraway journeys, or horizons of learning and growth, are land/skyscapes worthy of investment.

Aquarius: Intimacy is lifegiving. Sharing my depths can become a source of power. I trust myself to be honest.

Pisces: The more I love & adore myself, the better my relationships are. Transcendent connections are possible.