The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 26, 2019 (10:05amEST) is a last hurrah.
What-if Moon. Hairpin Turn Moon. Moon of Intersecting Journeys. Stay Open Moon. Moon of the Happy Accident. Owl Moon. See-Saw Moon. Moon of the Wide Gap. Zealous Moon. Profess Moon. Moon of Commencement. Philosopher’s Moon. Spiral Fire Moon. Moon of an Endless Question. Hourglass Moon. Hot Air Balloon Moon. Moon of Many Lights. Miraculous Moon. Disco Flex Moon. Bendy Moon of New Moves. Liver Moon. Token Moon. Moon of Soggy Wisdom. Moon of Light at the End of a Tunnel. Moon of the Last Risk.
We have been on a Quest.
All year, the planet Jupiter has been traversing its home sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter in Sagittarius is buoyant, expansive, restless, and geared towards wide growth. It has also steeped us in questions, melted our belief systems, and dispersed what we know to be true.
Have we been buoyed and kept afloat, or have we been tether-less, flying off into space?
Have our wings grown soggy with overwhelm, or have our spirits lifted us into higher realms of possibility?
Likely, the answer is both. Likely, the answer is all of it and everything.
This is the final lunation we experience with Jupiter in Sagittarius. The planet doesn’t return to the sign again for 11 years.
Jupiter in Capricorn
An Online Astrology Circle
So, this Moon marks a last hurrah. A celebration. A graduation. A signing off. We’re in flight before a landing.
This Moon is a Commencement Ceremony. A beginning, followed by a feast.
What we begin now is not a new journey. We have been training for this. It is less of a fresh start, and more of an entrance into the realm we’ve been preparing for. We’ve been walking the practice paths each day. Now it’s time for the through-hike.
We are leaving school and entering the ‘real world.’
What wisdom have you gained in the past year? How have you grown? Where have you stretched?
What can you see from here?
What do you sense is coming?
Astrology of 2020 Calendar and online course
Two tools for cosmic calibration. Close 2019 with reverent remembrance. Open 2020 with intentional awareness.
This New Moon comes soon after Mercury completed its deep-dive retrograde in Scorpio. Since October 31st, we’ve been doing comprehensive research on some area of life - and on our own psyche. Shining light on where we feel intensely tender. Noticing where it’s hard to commit or be intimate. Hearing the call to inhabit more of our Power - and sensing all the preventative measures in place that keep us from living inside it.
We have been uncovering sensitive material, deep feelings, secrets, hidden information, core wounds, and issues we need to see to step further into our essence. We’ve been invited into intimacy with ourselves and the life we’re living.
Mercury changed directions on Wednesday, November 20th, stunning us with profound, pre-verbal and limbic awarenesses bubbling up from imperceptible nether regions. It’s been an exhaustive transit. We went to the bottom of a rabbit hole, and we are making our way back up and out. Mercury remains in Scorpio until December 8th, so we’re still seeing in the dark and digging up diamonds until then. Keep your feelers tuned to your deepest instincts.
This Moon feels like divine intervention.
It lightens the mood and helps us open up. It’s the light at the end of a tunnel.
As if the year past hasn’t moved fast enough, this Moon ushers in rapid change.
This Moon is like a parachute - it works best when we are Open. It wants us to be wild and free.
Show what you know, and show that you’re willing to learn more. Keep asking questions, and be okay when the answer is more questions.
There is a miraculous, beyond-us quality to this Moon. The Gxds and guides are here and queer. Throwing us curve balls. Requiring reinventions. Causing a re-direct.
If we aren’t changing where we’re going, we are changing how we’ll get there.
This Moon is a happy accident. It comes with surprises, hairpin turns, and unpredictable acts. We’re doing something differently than we have before. Don’t be shocked if you (or someone else) radically shifts position. There is a pressure to change, and we’re responding to it.
Bend. Adapt. Evolve. Get wide.
The day after this New Moon, the planet Neptune stations to go direct (after being retrograde since June 22). Neptune stirs a longing in us. We may face loss, sadness, confusion, or the need to escape. Take refuge in whatever feels most restorative.
Lay claim to your dream.
If this Moon was a DJ, it would be coaxing you onto the dance floor, playing a song you can’t help but move to.
Don’t rely on the steps you already know. Invent some new moves. Take possibility as a dance partner.
Dance with the question, “What if?”
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Sagittarius.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
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Read New Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below
Aries: I am going somewhere.
This is a Moon of travel. Travel takes many forms. Whether holiday-related, a spiritual pilgrimage, or a trip for business or pleasure, or a foray into higher education, this is a time for journeying. Whether or not I’m traveling externally, I embrace my inner journey. The tides are shifting. I can feel myself leveling up. Imposter syndrome is no longer valid. This Moon gives me the sense that all the work I have been doing for the past year will be paying off. The training wheels are coming off. I am preparing to step into command. I welcome this change in my status. I am ready to embody my vocation. I center my mission. When I am guided by what I truly believe in, I can trust myself to have a positive impact on the world around me.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Taurus: I celebrate what we share.
This Moon piques my awareness around give and take. I have learned a lot about intimacy this year. I realize that when we bond ourselves to others, we aren’t choosing to solely connect with their lovelier aspects. We are jumping in the deep end together. Communion with another means sharing shadows and simmering in an alchemical soup. The brew can become gourmet, or poisonous. True intimacy is high stakes - as those involved become stakeholders. Deep relating is often accompanied by a merging of powers. This Moon illuminates places where I have become entangled with others’ baggage, and points to how I can lighten my load. I am learning how to free myself. I am learning what it means to be profoundly connected, and claim the path that belongs solely to me.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Gemini: I deepen my ties.
On this New Moon, I offer deep gratitude for the relationships in my life. I reflect on all the ways others met me during my journey this past year. I did not traverse the journey alone. I name the partners, friends, and companions who have made my expansion and growth possible. Doors have opened because of these people. I made it to this point because of these people. I took risks, made leaps, and experienced gains in 2019 - and other people were a part of that. On this New Moon, I particularly celebrate the ways folks feel like a match for me. It is easy for me to have light, sociable relationships with others. The next growth edge I am heading towards is about intensifying my commitments to others. I am thankful for the opportunity to get closer to the people I love. To be so thoroughly connected… I know it’s part of why I’m here.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Cancer: I am accomplished.
For the last year, Jupiter has kept me busy. My to-do lists have had baby to-do lists, and I’ve tended them all in the best ways I could. My check-marking, cross-offing hand is tired. I am appreciating myself for all the work I’ve done on the day-to-day. Like the satisfaction that descends into the bones when I finally incorporate a new skill into my repertoire - I’m breathing into the feeling of moving beyond overwhelm. I have become well-practiced. I’ve learned a lot about what is healthy for me. I’ve learned a lot about correct containers for my time and energy. I have learned that not everything is mine to do. This Moon shows me that beyond the tasks at hand, there are creative projects I want to invest in and people I wish to connect with. In light of this, new tasks can wait. For now, I taste the satisfaction of what I have done. Like a carefully-curated homecooked meal made with love, accomplishment tastes delicious.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Leo: I delight in life.
I am amused. I am here to create. To procreate. To recreate. This New Moon warms my heart. I take this opportunity to relish in what my creative juices have birthed in the past year. I center my focus on the sources of my pride and joy. I appreciate how my offspring have grown in the last year. What do my projects, my children, and my creations need? How can I help them continue to flourish? I am in awe of myself. I am in awe of the power of love. I am in awe of the kinds of things and beings that can be created through me. I gaze at their radiance, and the spiritual light that passes from one living force to another. The message of this Moon for me is: Have fun! Life is short - enjoy it, and brag about it! My joy is infectious.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Virgo: I am secure.
This is a Moon of memories. A Moon of family and kin. I look back at my legacy: who I was years ago, and who I have become. I look to see the connective thread running through my very veins. This thread spreads through my relations, and my familiar environment. I remember that I am always the same person - an oak tree growing from an acorn. I have always belonged to my origins, even as I’ve aged. In the last year, I have learned so much about home. My roots have widened. My family has expanded. My self-security has been tested. My inner world has been enriched. From this safe foundation, I prepare to chance what else I can create.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Libra: I can see clearly now.
I am connecting the dots. Seeing patterns. Integrating enormous amounts of information. This has been a year of huge mental expansion. What a ride. I have learned enough to write many books about my experiences. Worlds have collided. I’ve been a part of so many exchanges. What I thought I knew one year ago has been scattered about and multiplied like an intricate algorithm. I am functioning through a completely different operating system, now. I’ve been assessing my resources. Trimming dead ends and clearing excess. This Moon gives me clear vision. I am preparing to secure my base and call myself home.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Scorpio: I am rich.
I celebrate my wealth. The past year has put me in touch with my many innate talents. I have a deep inventory, a vast well of resources to draw from, and I’ve learned to trust in this. My wisdom and my willingness to learn will always be assets. I take this moment to sing the praises of all I’ve earned this year. The recent Mercury retrograde had me examining myself. I realized some potent, core truths about my essence. There is no doubt that I’m a powerful person. I laud my natural magnetism. I reinvest in my own worthiness. I get to determine what is most valuable to me. I cherish the treasures in my possession.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Sagittarius: New Moon, New Me.
The last year has been one of massive self-discovery. It brought a huge expansion in my sense of self. This year stretched me to my capacities and beyond. I went farther than I ever have before. I am astounded by the wisdom I gained from my journeys. I am forever changed. I’ve outgrown my skin. It is sitting there, like a deflated costume. Like a parachute on the ground at my feet. My spirits are high. They are spreading out like vapors through the atmosphere all around me. A new layer of self-skin shines gleaming in the candlelight. Next mission? Ground what I learned into something fruitful, lucrative, and lasting. Right now, I boisterously celebrate myself.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Capricorn: I honor the quiet.
This Moon is one of subtlety and solitude. I take time to rest and commune with the invisible. The growth I’ve experienced in the past year is hard to quantify. It is immeasurable, really, for I’ve been expanding in the spiritual realms. Much of my advancement has been hidden from the public eye. It’s been an inner unraveling. An unclenching. I have been learning to let go. I have been learning to allow for closure and forgiveness. I have been learning to accept that all things run their course. I whisper my gratitudes to the ones who have been privy to my most private accomplishments. I peer behind my own curtain and relish in the realization that these types of lessons need no recognition. They have quietly, thoroughly, remade me into the person I am becoming.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Aquarius: I rejoice in the company I keep.
Since this time last year, my web has grown, spread, and multiplied. Or in any case, my collaborations have become a truer reflection of my own authentic nature. I have learned so much from the various circles I’ve tapped into. I’m feeling more connected than ever before. I’ve tied in with my people. These collaborations are rich. They move together in interlocking waves. We gather to make things new. I can feel our electric pulsing through invisible wires. The nervous system is amazing. We are literally designed to plug into each other and amplify authenticity. Our truth creates the future. I take a moment to send a strong signal of THANK YOU to all these relations. We are here, human Earth angels, living into life together!
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Pisces: I rise.
This past year, I have learned so much about how I show up in the world. I have seen the ways I feel comfortable in public, and I’ve felt into growth edges on how I can further step into my contributions. I have been gathering insight on what I’m really here to do. Facing fears of success and failure. Considering my achievements. Collecting information on who I’m meant to do it with and for. This year has felt like something is calling me towards it - and yet I’ve had so many questions. Now I can see more clearly, and I can orient towards the longterm vision ahead. I have needed to change my mind. I’m ready to keep learning. I won’t be doing this alone. I look forward to connecting with associates, teammates, and collaborators as I angle towards my purpose.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5here.